New Research Shows Black Women Who Teach Computer Science Occupy a Unique Role in the Classroom for All Students, Regardless of Race or Sex

By Joshua Preston

Tamara Pearson

A recent study led by Georgia Tech research faculty member Tamara Pearson, the senior director of Research and Programs in the Constellations Center for Equity in Computing at Georgia Tech, focuses on understanding how Black women teaching computer science define themselves and their roles in the larger computer science (CS) education space, an underexplored topic according to Pearson.

Using data collected from surveys, interviews and focus groups with four Black women currently teaching high school CS in Atlanta in a majority Black district of over 50,000 students, Pearson and co-author Pamela Leggett-Robinson of PLR Consulting explored the teachers’ unique experiences and approaches to CS education.

Researchers came to discover that the unique, intersectional identities of the teachers – being both Black and women – were inextricably linked to their experiences as CS teachers.

“Our participants’ perceptions of their roles as CS teachers illustrates how Black women not only model a deep understanding of, and compassion for, student needs, but simultaneously contribute to an on-going mission of racial uplift through their presence in front of the classroom,” Pearson states in the paper.

The authors say that making someone pick one identity – when they live with multiple – doesn’t fully account for how people navigate society or the power structures that they deal with every day.

“These teachers are cognizant that their intersectional identities, as Black women, contribute to dismantling stereotypes of who is smart and who ‘can do’ computer science,” writes Pearson.

The research findings show four themes that emerged as common perspectives from all participants. Based on this cohort from the Atlanta school district, the study shows Black women:

  • Care for people
  • Are transformational leaders
  • Represent possibility
  • Expect more

Among the participants, the theme of caring for people was omnipresent, and they discussed the historic depiction of Black women as teachers, nurturers, and caretakers. The participants conveyed how they challenge their students – regardless of race or gender – on what is and is not acceptable and place expectations on the students to be better people.

“This long-standing, multi-generational practice that Black women developed by taking responsibility for the social and ethical development of all Black children continues in today’s classrooms, even when the children are not Black,” Pearson writes as part of the findings.

The other themes – Black women being transformational leaders, representing possibility, and expecting more from students – encapsulate, in part, an ideal that the participants see for their work as CS educators. The themes also show how the Black women view their intersectional identities and value their unique position to provide opportunities for their students, particularly for those who are marginalized.

They do this even when their own acceptance within the CS field is sometimes challenged.

The research found that Black women are highly represented in professions considered to be essential to the daily operation of society but are often congratulated in the moment and immediately forgotten and placed back at the margins.

The researchers plan to continue their work to better understand what sustained success for Black women teaching CS might look like. Future studies will include more representative samples of Black women CS teachers from across the United States.

The research paper, “Unpacking the Unique Role of Black Women Computer Science Educators”, will be presented at the Association for Computing Machinery’s annual technical symposium for Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), taking place March 20-23 in Portland, Oregon.

March 20 Workshop Employs Lessons from Epidemics to Enhance Computer Science Classes

By Bryant Wine

Computer science educators will soon gain valuable insights from computational epidemiology courses, like one offered at Georgia Tech.

B. Aditya Prakash is part of a research group that will host a workshop on how topics from computational epidemiology can enhance computer science classes. These lessons would produce computer science graduates with improved skills in data science, modeling, simulation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Because epidemics transcend the sphere of public health, these topics would groom computer scientists versed in issues from social, financial, and political domains.

B. Aditya Prakash
Photo courtesy of Virginia Tech

The group’s virtual workshop takes place on March 20 at the technical symposium for the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). SIGCSE is one of 38 special interest groups of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ACM is the world’s largest scientific and educational computing society.

“We decided to do a tutorial at SIGCSE because we believe that computational epidemiology concepts would be very useful in general computer science courses,” said Prakash, an associate professor inthe School of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE).

“We want to give an introduction to concepts, like what is computational epidemiology is, and how topics, such as algorithms and simulations, can be integrated into computer science courses.”

Prakash kicks off the workshop with an overview of computational epidemiology. He will use examples from his CSE 8803: Data Science for Epidemiology course to introduce basic concepts.

This overview includes a survey of models used to describe behavior of diseases. Models serve as foundations that run simulations, ultimately testing hypotheses and making predictions regarding disease spread and impact.

Prakash will discuss models from recent epidemics like Covid-19, Zika, H1N1 bird flu, and Ebola. He will also cover examples from the 19th and 20th centuries to illustrate how epidemiology has evolved through data science and computation.

“I strongly believe that the future of epidemiology and public health is computational,” Prakash said. “My course and these workshops give that viewpoint and provide a broad framework of data science and computational thinking that can be useful.”

While humankind has studied disease transmission for millennia, computational epidemiology is a new approach to understanding how diseases can spread throughout communities.  

The Covid-19 pandemic helped bring computational epidemiology to the forefront of public awareness. This exposure has led to greater demand for further application from computer science education.

Prakash joins Baltazar Espinoza and Natarajan Meghanathan in the workshop presentation. Espinoza is a research assistant professor at the University of Virginia. Meghanathan is a professor at Jackson State University.

The group is connected through Global Pervasive Computational Epidemiology (GPCE). GPCE is a multi-institutional partnership aimed at advancing computational foundations, engineering principles, and technologies of computational epidemiology. The National Science Foundation supports the partnership spanning 13 institutions.

GPCE emphasizes outreach and broadening participation in computing because of how widely epidemics can reach. The group’s workshop at SIGCSE is one way that GPCE employs educational programs to train the next generation of scientists around the globe.

“Algorithms, machine learning, and other topics are fundamental graduate and undergraduate computer science courses nowadays,” Prakash said.

“Using examples like projects, homework questions, and data sets, we want to show that the topics and ideas from computational epidemiology help students see a future where they apply their computer science education.”