

Classically-inspired Mixers for QAOA Beat Goemans-Williamson’s Max-Cut at Low Circuit Depths
▶ In preparation to submit to Quantum journal
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

Bridging Classical and Quantum with SDP initialized warm-starts for QAOA
▶ Accepted to ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (2022)
▶ Joint with Majid Farhadi, Creston Herold, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

On the set of catenary degrees of finitely generated cancellative commutative monoids
▶ Accepted to International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2016)
▶ Joint with Christopher O’Neill, Vadim Ponomarenko, and Gautam Webb

Which dipole are you studying in lab?
▶ Accepted to European Journal of Physics (2016)
▶ Joint with P-M Binder and Callie K Crowder

Posters and Presentations

Invited Talk at Los Alamos National Laboratory (November 2022)
▶ Combinatorial Optimization in the Era of Quantum Computing
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

Invited Talk at Sandia National Laboratories (November 2022)
▶ Combinatorial Optimization in the Era of Quantum Computing
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

ACO Student Seminar at Georgia Institute of Technology (November 2022)
▶ Introduction to Quantum Computing and Its Role in Combinatorial Optimization
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

Workshop on Quantum Computing and Operations Research (October 2022)
▶ Poster: Improving QAOA via classical warm-starts
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

▶ Improving QAOA With Various Warm-Start Strategies
▶ Part of the Quantum Optimization session
▶ Joint with Jai Moondra, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

▶ Improving Qaoa With Warm-start Initializations And Custom Mixers
▶ Part of the Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum 1 session
▶ Joint with Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

MOPTA 2021
▶ Improving QAOA with Warm-Start Initializations and Custom Mixers
▶ Part of the Quantum Optimization II session
▶ Joint with Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta

▶ Bridging Classical And Quantum With SDP Initialized Warm-starts For QAOA
▶ Part of the Quantum Inspired Optimization and Machine Learning session
▶ Joint with Majid Farhadi, Creston Herold, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta