After paying the initial deposit, the rest of the program charge is typically paid in two installments, with the final installment due by April 1.
The program charge covers housing (w/ breakfast) and insurance.
The program charge does NOT cover airfare; students arrange their travel and pay their own airfare and other travel costs.
Program deposits for GT study abroad program are typically non-refundable.
Payments towards the Program Charge are partially refundable based on a schedule described on the Office of International Education’s (OIE) web site. The amount of the refund depends on various factors such as whether GT canceled the program, whether world events made it necessary to cancel the program, etc.
Tuition: See OIE web site for Georgia Tech tuition
Introduction to probability and statistics as applied to psychological data. You will also learn about tests for means, variances, correlation, ANVOA, and regression.
Includes a lab component.
Instructor: Zack Tidler
Psyc 3005 (Mindfulness: Science and Practice, 3 credit hours)
This experiential course is an introduction to mindfulness where students will study the theory of mind-body awareness and apply principles to daily life.
Exploration of the central aspects of human cognition including pattern recognition, attention, memory, language, categorization, problem solving, and decision making; phenomena and methods are stressed.
4011 includes a lab component, 3012 does not.
4011 has statistics and research methods as pre-requisites.
Psyc 3012 provides social science credit; Psyc 4011 does not.