Scanner is a digital demonstrator that allows students to gain hands-on learning experience by replacing the physical instrument when such instruments are not readily available. Scanner aims to enable equipment access to students in remote learning environments or in situations where access to equipment is restricted. Scanner can also be used as an instructional tool in a classroom setting to showcase the functionality of a laser scanner.
Usage in Classrooms

The scanner digital demonstrator is ready to be employed by instructors for in-person or remote instruction. In typical applications, instructors will initially introduce students to scanner theory using a PowerPoint presentation. After this, the instructor projects the digital demonstrator on a large screen in front of the class. Students use the online prototype of the scanner to accomplish tasks as discussed. Students next progress to the assessment mode to test their proficiency with the setup of a laser scanner. Once the students complete use of the digital demonstrator, they progress to setting up a physical laser scanner if such is available. They generally work in teams of four to six students for this task. The teams then employ the scanner to collect scanning data of an assigned area. Once the data is collected, students are asked to provide written feedback on using the digital demonstrator.

Two Modes
Access Mode
The access mode is an unrestricted mode aimed at instructional and practice usage. This mode has full access to the digital demonstrator and has no constraints on the device settings. All the settings can be toggled on and off to show the operation of the laser scanner.

For Instructors
Instructors can employ the demonstrator as a teaching tool during class instruction. Students can follow along during a lecture interacting with the laser scanner as they see beneficial.
For Students
Students can follow up after a lecture, familiarizing themselves with the laser scanner on their own time.
Assessment Mode
The assessment mode is a restricted functionality mode aimed at enabling instructors to assess student proficiency in the operation of the laser scanner device. This mode can be used for evaluation at both the formative and summative stages of assessments. While in this mode, the user has a randomly assigned scenario that they must navigate. Access to settings not pertaining to these scenarios are restricted in this mode.

For instructors
Instructors can gauge the proficiency of students in using the laser scanner in one of the two scenarios.
For Students
Students can gauge their own proficiency and ability to operate a laser scanner device. When the student demonstrates operational proficiency in the digital demonstrator, they are rewarded with a dataset identical to that a physical laser scanner device would provide at the successful completion of a laser scan activity. Students can then use this dataset to advance to the data processing and analysis which are outside the scope of this demonstrator.
Effective Use of a Digital Demonstrator for the Instruction of Laser Scanning
Presented at the 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference
Visualization enhancements to facilitate the use of digital demonstrators for instructional applications

Presented at the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics