Great article about you and your work in the GT Daily Digest for 4/18!
From: Jan
Great article about you and your work in the GT Daily Digest for 4/18!
From: Jan
Congratulations on being named Regents’ Entrepreneur!
From: Jan
Congratulations on being named Regents’ Professor!
From: Jan
Jan is the best HR I have worked with! Handles all requests and problems with a smile.
From: Animesh Chhotaray
Congratulations to Vlad and Yibin on receiving the Distinguished Paper Award ACM CCS!
From: Jan
JP and Mary Helen….Thanks for making this happen! You ROCK!
From: Gina
Congratulations on winning not one, but TWO Test of Time awards!
From: Jan
Way to go on your editing in the Journal of Peace Studies!
From: Jan
Thanks for creating a great work environment @ SCP.
From: Vijay M
Thank you for getting the shout out page established!
From: Jan Morian