About Me


Hello, I am from a windy volcanic island called Jeju, Korea. I was born and raised there, exploring mountains and coasts. My father was an engineer and he ran a small factory manufacturing plastic bottles for Makgeolli, the Korean traditional rice wine. My father had affected me to choose my life path as an engineer. I moved to Seoul and studied the basics of mechanical engineering at Seoul National University. Fluid mechanics and robotics were my favorite topics.

For a greater purpose, I am now in Atlanta. I am fresh off the boat, but I am learning one by one. I am going to explore interesting topics in fluid mechanics and biophysics under the supervision of Dr. David Hu.

My other passion is music. I have been playing the acoustic guitar since high school and I really enjoyed the songs with beautiful guitar melodies. Playing the guitar and feeling its vibration is the best way to relax.

This is my CV.