
PUMA: Algebraic and Computation Topology

In April 2025, I will be one of the graduate teaching assistants for PUMA: Practicum for Undergraduate MAthematicians – Algebraic and Computational Topology. This practicum is hosted by IPAM at UCLA. <link>

Directed Reading Program:

Currently, I am running the Directed Reading Program (DRP) along with Noah Solomon. Please email one of us if you are interested in participating either as an undergraduate student or as a graduate mentor. Mentors are responsible for leading one (or a pair of) undergraduate student(s) in a semester long tutorial-style independent study.

Research Experience for Undergraduates:

In Summer 2024, I co-advised four undergraduate students with John Etnyre for the Georgia Tech NSF-funded REU. Our project is titled “Loops in 4 Dimensional Spaces” and is related to my research on fundamental groups of Lefschetz fibrations. See their poster here. Their research was supported by NSF Grant #2244427.

Fore more information about the Georgia Tech MATH REUs, see here.


In 2017, I was invited by Bob Klein to serve as a Peer Mentor to 35 Navajo, Hopi, and Apache students at the Baa Hózhó Navajo Prep Summer Camp. The camp took place from May 30–June 3, 2017 at Navajo Prep in Farmington, New Mexico. Read more about the Navajo Nation Math Circles here. There is an article about the camp, which details how the camp served to “boost the number of Navajo students entering careers that center on science, technology, engineering and mathematics.” There is also a documentary about the Summer 2016 camp here which hopefully convinces you of how the math circles approach to exploring math is student-centered and satisfactory.

Me and a subset of my Summer ’24 REU Students in front of their poster at JMM 2025 in Seattle.

A picture of me and a student from 2017 at the Baa Hózhó Navajo Prep Summer Camp.