ISYE 6664: Stochastic Optimization
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech
An introduction to sequential decision-making under uncertainty. Much of the course is devoted to the theoretical, modeling, and computational aspects of Markov decision processes.
ISYE 3232: Stochastic Manufacturing and Service Systems
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech
Methods for describing stochastic movements of material in manufacturing facilities, supply chain, and equipment maintenance networks. Includes analysis of congestion, delays, and inventory ordering policies.
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll, Spring 2022
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll, Spring 2023
- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll, Fall 2023
ISYE 8803: Methods for Decision-Making in Health and Medicine
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech
An introduction to operations research methods and modeling techniques used in public health and medical decision-making. Topics include decision analysis, Markov models, cost-effectiveness analysis, simulation, calibration methods, and Markov decision processes.
IOE 202: Operations Modeling
Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Fall 2017
Process of mathematically modeling operational decisions including the role of uncertainty in decision-making. Basic tools for solving the resulting models, particularly mathematical programs, statistical models and queueing models. Cases may come from manufacturing and service operations and ergonomics.
- Check out the IOE 202 poster session where students presented their course projects