1. What were the main intellectual goals of the assignment? Please situate these goals in terms of the course theme and in terms of the communication strategies you were to learn or practice.
- The main intellectual goals of the assignment were to assign time for a specific activity, hobby or passion and to focus on improving our skills in that subject.
2. What is your argument or purpose? How did you make the argument or purpose visible and persuasive in your artifact?
- My purpose was to show the readers my passion for music even though I can appear as an all STEM student.
3. Who is the intended audience for your artifact; why is this an appropriate audience? How is your choice of audience reflected in your artifact?
- The audience for my artifact is the ENGL 1101 class and professor.
4. What are the defining features of the genre or media that you are using in this project? How do you make use of these features?
- For my artifact 2 I mainly used written text in the form of prose as well as images and self recorded audio files.
5. If you had more time for revision, what would you change and why?
- Probably just play more piano and add another audio file.