American Society for Mass Spectrometry in Minneapolis June 9-13

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOG am 08:30     Evidence of Third Residue Involvement in Diketopiperazine and Oxazolone b2 Ion Formation in NAXIG and QAXIG Pentapeptides; Lindsay Morrison, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Vicki Wysocki

MOF pm 2:30       Dissecting Large Non-covalent Ring Protein Complexes by Surface Induced Dissociation Combined with Ion Mobility; Mowei Zhou, Yun Zhang, Vicki Wysocki

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

TP 012        Comparison between Surface-Induced Dissociation (SID) and Collision-Induced Dissociation (CID) of Ion- Mobility (IM)-Separated Detergent Clusters; Yun Zhang, Mowei Zhou, Xin Ma, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 123        Modification of the Prolyl Ring of Val-Pro-Ala and the Impact of this Modification on b2 ion Structure; Matthew Bernier, Ashley Gucinski, Julia Chamot-Rooke, Vicki Wysocki

TP 222        Top-down Assisted Bottom-up Method for Avian Hemoglobin Sequencing; Yang Song, Ünige A. Laskay, Alan G. Barbour, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 288        Finding Invasive Aspergillosis Protein Biomarkers in Patient Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid; Chengsi Huang, Jason W. McCarthy, Yun Zhang, Carmen Luraschi- Monjagatta, Donna Wolk, KS Knox, Marta Feldmesser, Vicki H. Wysocki

TP 291        Valley Fever: MS Based Diagnostics and Potential Vaccine Characterization; Andrew VanSchoiack, Tao Peng, Lourdes Lewis, John Galgiani, Vicki Wysocki

WP 413       Improved Structural Characterization of Stable Non- Covalent Protein Complexes by Surface Induced Dissociation (SID); Xin Ma, Mowei Zhou, Vicki H. Wysocki