Wysocki group at Asilomar 2015

Native Mass Spectrometry-based Structural Biology, October 16 – 20, 2015, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA

Oral presentations 

New Activation Methods in Native Mass Spectrometry session; SID of Model Systems with Known Interfaces: What Have We Learned? Vicki Wysocki

Poster presentations

Fri-Sat Poster 07; Characterization of Protein Complexes Generated from Solution Phase Charge Reduction and Gas Phase Charge Reduction via Ion Mobility and Surface Induced Dissociation; Jing Yan, Vicki Wysocki. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 09; Reconstruction of an Ancient Enzyme Complex; Florian Busch1,2, Sandra Schlee1, Chitra Rajendran1, Kristina Heyn1, Sophie Harvey2, Vicki Wysocki2, Rainer Merkl1, Reinhard Sterner1. 1. University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany 2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 03; Ion/Ion Reactions for the Modification of Gas Phase Bio-Ions; Joshua Gilbert12, Scott A McLuckey2. 1. Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.   2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 15; Probing the Mechanism of Homotropic Allostery in TRAP using Native Mass Spectrometry; Pepsi M. L. Holmquist, Yang Song, Brandon Neel, Sophie r. Harvey, Vicki H. Wysocki, Mark P. Foster. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Sun-Mon Poster 27; Structure Determination of a Unique Manganese Oxidizing Multicopper Oxidase from a Marine Bacterium Using a Suite of Mass Spectrometry Tools: Surface Induced Dissociation, Top Down, and Covalent Labeling, Mowei Zhou,1 Yang Song,2 Christine Romano,3 Jared Shaw,1 Vicki Wysocki,2 Bradley Tebo,3 Ljiljana Paša-Tolić1. 1. Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ohio State University
3. Division of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems, Oregon Health & Science University

Wysocki group ASMS 2015 presentations

American Society for Mass Spectrometry in St. Louis, May 31-June 4, 2015

Oral presentations from the Wysocki group

MOC am 09:30 Surface Induced Dissociation Reveals Substructural Information Consistent With The Interfacial Analysis Of Protein Complexes; Sophie R. Harvey; Royston S. Quintyn; Yang Song; Jing Yan; Aniruddha N. Sahasrabuddhe; Vicki H. Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

TOF am 09:10 Phosphoproteomic and Proteomic Identification of Oncogenic Pathways in LKB1 Dependent NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer by Two-Dimensional LCMS/MS; Nilini Ranbaduge; Joseph Amann; Tadaaki Yamada; Zhen Wang; David Carbone; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WOF am 09:50 Structure Elucidation of Toyocamycin Nitrile Hydratase, a Hetero-hexameric Protein Complex, by Mass Spectrometry; Yang Song1 ; Micah Nelp2 ; Vahe Bandarian2 ; Vicki H. Wysocki1 ; 1 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Poster presentations from the Wysocki group

MP 550 Selective Proteomics Analysis Using Congo Red as a Precipitating Reagent; Hongwu Jing1 ; Irina A. Buhimschi2,3; Guomao Zhao2 ; Michelle Axe4 ; Catalin S. Buhimschi3 ; Vicki Wysocki1 ; 1 Dept. Chem. Biochem., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 Research Inst. at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; 3 Dept. OB/ GYN, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 4 Dept. Biochem. Mol. Biol., Otterbein University, Westerville, OH

TP 073 Surface Induced Dissociation Utilized to Characterize Protein Complexes Trapped in the Trap Cell of a Q-TOF Instrument; Jing Yan1 ; Sophie R. Harvey1 ; Jeff Brown2 ; Emmy Hoyes2 ; Vicki H. Wysocki1 ; 1 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK

TP 476 Surface-Induced Dissociation/Ion Mobility of Pyruvate Kinase: Interface Area and Subunit Packing; Aniruddha Sahasrabuddhe; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

WP 173 Native Mass Spectrometry of the ProRS/tRNAPro/YbaK Ternary Complex Supports the Triple-Sieve Mechanism of Editing; Akiko Tanimoto; Lin Chen; Marina Bakhtin; Vicki Wysocki; Karin Musier-Forsyth; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

WP 588 Multisubunit Protein Interactions and ProteinLigand Binding Sites Revealed By Surface Induced Dissociation Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry; Yue Ju; Royston Quintyn; Vicki Wysocki; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio