Recently, the Wysocki lab attended the Ohio Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Symposium (OMSMS)! From the group, we had many poster presenters and an oral presentation! Two of our own members, Zihao Qi (second year) and Phil Lacey (third year) won poster awards from the poster session! Great job, we are so proud of you! We overall had a wonderful time at this conference and are already excited next year’s conference!

Vicki Wysocki delivering some opening remarks for the conference
Poster session in progress! Our second year, Yuan Gao, can be spotted presenting his poster!
One of our third years, Kristie Baker, presenting her poster to an invited guest, Brandon Ruotolo!
Our amazing associate director of the CCIC, Arpad Somogyi posing with a mini Einstein!
The winners of the poster competition for OMSMS 2022, including second year Zihao Qi (far left), and third year Phil Lacey (second from left)! Great job to all presenters!