- June 29, 2023: Gave a talk on our collaroative research on robust LDA in ISIT 2023 in Taiwan.
- May 25, 2023: our collaborative paper on the Chip-Seq data with Prof. Yuhong Fan from GT/Biology and her former students, Mr. Kumar and Mr. Hu, is finally published after several years’ hard-working and revisions.
- May 22, 2023: a group of 24 undergradate students from Georiga Tech offically starts their study abroad adverture in the University of Hong Kong and the Georgia Tech Shenzhen Campus (unitl early August), see the CSP homepage for more information.
- May 7, 2023: congratulations to Qunzhi Xu for receiving the best student poster award for the ASA Georgia Chapter in the 8th Workshop on Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in Georiga State University!
- April 30, 2023: I has been elected as a 2023 ASA Fellow, see the ISyE news
- April 14, 2023: Yuyang’s conference paper to ISTE 2023 is accepted!
- March 1, 2023: Our collaboration project with Dr. Wolk entiled “For Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19, Actionable Positive RT-PCR Results are Associated with Improved Outcomets” has been selected for a rapid fire presentation at ASM Microbe 2023 in Houston, TX, June 15-19, 2023. Well done, Qunzhi, who did extensive (bio)statistical analysis!
- Feb 21, 2023: Qunzhi’s paper to SQA is accepted. Congratulations to Qunzhi.
- Jan 9, 2023: our paper on active learning-based multistage sequential decision-making model is accepted by Journal of Applied Statistics. This is part of Jenny’s dissertation, and congratulations to Jenny!
- Jan 4, 2023: Gave a talk on sequential decision-making at Equifax
- Jan 1, 2023 — present: I am an Associate Editor of Technometrics, a leading ASA/ASQ journal on engineering statistics.
- October 2022: The China Summer Program (CSP) will open to all undergraduate students in Summer 2023. The application deadline is Feb 15, 2023, with early bird discount of $500 before Dec 30, 2022. For more information, see the CSP website.
- October 2022: Our collaborative project with Dr. Feras Akbik, et al. entitled “Intracranial pressure is not altered by jugular vein central line placement” is selected for presentation during the 2023 Critical Care Congress in Jan 21-24, 2023.
- July 21, 2022: Our collaborative paper with Dr. Kimberly Kurtis and Dr. Ogulcan Canbek entitled “Predicting the Rheology of Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC3): Linking Composition and Hydration Kinetics to Yield Stress through Machine Learning” is accepted by Cement and Concrete Research, and Qunzhi provides valuable statistical supports including novel uses of stepwise regression to predict the yield stress and Nadaraya-Watson kernel to estimate the heat flow parameters such as the onset heat and onset time.
- June 27-29, 2022: give talks at ISIT 2022 at Aalto University, in Espoo, FINLAND.
- June 21, 2022: give a talk at 2022 ICSA Applied Statistical Symposium at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- June 10, 2022: Another paper with Dr. Feras Akbik entitled “Surge Capacity in the COVI-19 Era: A Natural Experiment of Neurocritical Care in General Critical Care” has been accepted by Neurocritical Care.
- May 13, 2022: Our collaborative paper with Dr. Feras Akbik from Emory entitled “Cannabis Use Is Not Associated with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Complications or Outcomes” is accepted by STROKE, and Yuyang provides valuable biostatistical supports including conducting the propensity-score-based causal inference analysis.
- April 22, 2022: three papers accepted to the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2022), the top conference in Information Theory: one with Qunzhi Xu and two with Yiling Luo and Dr. Xiaoming Huo.
- April 2022: Wanrong’s paper on bandit change-point detection is accepted by Technometrics.
- March 2022: a manuscript on directional FDR collaborated with Wenjuan Liang, Dongdong Xiang, and Wendong Li was submitted.
- March 2022: Congrats to Namjoon and Yuchen, as their paper on PDE recovery is accepted by SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification.
- March 4,2022: We successfully organized the inaugural BERD/biostat session on the 2022 annual CTSA conference.
- January 2022: congratulations to Wanrong: her conference paper entitled “Private Sequential Hypothesis Testing for Statisticians: Privacy, Error Rates, and Sample Size” has been accepted by AISTATS 2022.
- November 2021: Ruizhi’s paper entitled “Robust change detection for large-scale data streams” is accepted by Sequential Analysis.
- Glad to announce the Special Issue on streaming data analytics for Journal of Applied Statistics (submission deadline is Jan 15, 2022), and I am honored to serve as a lead Guest Editor.
- October 2021, give a talk at INFORMS 2021
- October 2021, both Mr. Yuyang Shi and Mr. Qunzhi Xu won the best poster presentations in the second Annual Data Science Workshop in Augusta University, October 14-15, 2021. In addition, Qunzhi also won the People’s Choice Award for the best poster. Congratulations!
- September 2021, I co-organized 5 invited sessions on modern streaming data analysis at ICSA 2021 applied statistics symposium.
- July 2021, Wanrong Zhang was selected as a Computing Innovation Fellow (CIFellow) for 2021 by the Computing Research Association and its Computing Community Consortium and with support from the NSF. Congratulations!
- June 2021, Ms. Hongzhen (Jenny) Tian successfully defended her thesis. She will work as Data & Applied Scientist at Microsoft. Congratulations!
- April 2021, Ms. Yujie Zhao successfully defended her thesis. She will work as Senior Scientist at Merck. Congratulations!
- April 2021, Ms. Wanrong Zhang successfully defended her thesis. She accepts a Post Doc position at Harvard University. Congratulations!