Apr. , 2021: Dr. Hu is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
Mar. , 2021: Dr. Hu received the Journal of Applied Mechanics Award for the paper “Kinetics of Polyelectrolyte Gels” published in JAM.
Nov. 18th, 2020: Dr. Hu was invited to give a talk in the symposium on Manufacturing, Integration and Characterization of Multifunctional Structure and Devices, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
May. 22nd, 2020: Congratulations to Yang Lai for successfully defending her PhD thesis.
Mar. 26th, 2020: Congratulations to Inkyu Oh for successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Dec. 2019: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at UT Austin.
Dec. 2019: Professor Hu received EML Young Investigator Award for their paper on “Indentation adhesion of hydrogel over a wide range of length and time scales” published in EML.
Aug. 2019: Bohan Wang received Haythornthwait student travel award from American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) to attend International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Salt Lake City. Congratulations!
Aug. 16th, 2019: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University, Australia.
Aug. 15th, 2019: Professor Hu gives invited talk in the NSF-AFOSR Joint Workshop on Mechanics-Based Design of Intelligent Material Systems by Multimaterial Additive Manufacturing, in the 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
May 10th, 2019: Professor Hu gave invited talk “Chemomechanics of soft living materials”, in the NANOFANS Forum, IEN, GeorgiaTech.
May 6th, 2019: Congratulate Inkyu Oh for receiving TechnipFMC fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year. Well done!
Apr. 3rd, 2019: Professor Hu gives invited talk in the 2019 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Aug. 2018: The Hu group is moving to Georgia Tech, to the Georgia W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
May. 9th, 2018: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the Pierce seminar series in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT.
Apr. 4th, 2018: Professor Hu gave invited talk in 2018 MRS spring conference in Arizona.
Apr. 2nd-6th, 2018: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Soft Hydrogels and Living Materials” in MRS spring conference 2018.
Aug. 11th, 2017: Haohui Zhang received 2nd place poster award of Midwest Mechanics of Materials and Structures Workshop in Purdue. Congratulations!
Jul. 25th-28th, 2017: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials” in the SES conference.
Jun. 12th-15th, 2017: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Soft Materials” in the SEM annual conference under TD “Time-dependent Materials”
Nov. 13th-16th, 2016: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanical Characterization of Soft Materials” in the ASME IMECE conference.
Oct. 2016: Professor Hu won the AFOSR YIP award.
Oct. 3rd, 2016: Professor Hu gave an invited talk in SES conference on “Bioinspired design of poroelastic materials with tunable wettability and optical properties”.
Oct. 2nd-5th, 2016: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanical Characterization of Soft Materials” in the SES conference.
Oct. 2nd-5th, 2016: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials” in the SES conference.
Aug. 2016: Yang Lai received Haythornthwait student travel award from American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) to attend International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Phoenix. Congratulations!
Jun. 2017: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Soft Materials” in the SEM annual conference under TD “Time-dependent Materials”
Apr. 9th-10th, 2016: Midwest Experimental Mechanics Student Conference was held at UIUC campus organized by Professor Yuhang Hu and Professor Ioannis Chasiotis.
Jan. 6th, 2016: Professor Hu won the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for the proposal titled “Mechanics and Physics at the Boundary Between Solid and Fluid: Probing the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Gels”
Dec. 18th, 2015: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics at Tsinghua University.
Nov. 10th, 2015: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University.
Nov. 13th-19th, 2015: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanical Characterization of Soft Materials” in the ASME IMECE conference.
Oct. 30th, 2015: Professor Hu was awarded with Haythornthwait Research Initiation Grant from ASME.
Oct. 26th-28th, 2015: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanical Characterization of Soft Materials” in the SES conference.
Oct. 26th-28th, 2015: Professor Hu organized the symposium “Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials” in the SES conference.
Aug. 26th, 2015: Professor Hu organized the 1st Midwest Mechanics of Materials and Structures workshop at UIUC campus.
Apr. 02nd, 2015: Professor Hu was invited to give a talk in the workshop onNanoindentation Applications in Mechanobiology and Nanotechnology. Thanks to Iwona and Nahil for invitation.
Apr. 01st, 2015: Professor Hu lead the Journal Club in iMechanica with the title of Mechanical Characterization of Soft Hydrated Materials.
Mar. 05th, 2015: Paper “Liquid-based gating mechanism with tunable multiphase selectivity and antifouling behavior” is published in Nature.
Feb. 24th, 2015: Professor Hu outreach activity with kindergardeners in STEM Lab of Booker T Washington school
Feb. 19th, 2015: MechSE feature on Yuhang joining UIUC