About Me
I am an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
Previously, I was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at University at Buffalo, and an instructor (postdoc) in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. I received my PhD degree in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO) from the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech in 2021. I was very fortunate to be advised by Eric Vigoda. I received my BS degree in Mathematics & Applied Mathematics from Zhiyuan College at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2016.
I have broad interests in randomized algorithms, discrete probability, and machine learning. Currently, my research focuses on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, approximate counting and sampling, and learning and testing of high-dimensional distributions.
My thesis received the 2021 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from College of Computing, Georgia Tech.
Spring 2025: CS 3510 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2024: CS 8803 Counting and Sampling
Spring 2024: CSE 632 Analysis of Algorithms II: Randomized Algorithms
Preprints and Publications
- Hardcore Model on Random Regular Graphs beyond Uniqueness (draft)
with Xiaoyu Chen, Zejia Chen, Yitong Yin, and Xinyuan Zhang - Rapid Mixing at the Uniqueness Threshold
with Xiaoyu Chen, Yitong Yin, and Xinyuan Zhang - Counting random k-SAT near the satisfiability threshold
with Aditya Lonkar, Chunyang Wang, Kuan Yang, and Yitong Yin - Entropy Contractions in Markov Chains: Half-Step, Full-Step and Continuous-Time
with Pietro Caputo, Yuzhou Gu, and Yury Polyanskiy - On the Low-Temperature MCMC threshold: the cases of sparse tensor PCA, sparse regression, and a geometric rule
with Conor Sheehan and Ilias Zadik. - Time Lower Bounds for the Metropolis Process and Simulated Annealing
with Dan Mikulincer, Daniel Reichman, and Alex Wein. - Influence Maximization in Ising Models
with Elchanan Mossel. ITCS 2024. - Combinatorial Approach for Factorization of Variance and Entropy in Spin Systems
SODA 2024. - Fast Sampling of b-Matchings and b-Edge Covers
with Yuzhou Gu. SODA 2024. - Strong Spatial Mixing for Colorings on Trees and its Algorithmic Applications
with Kuikui Liu, Nitya Mani, and Ankur Moitra. FOCS 2023. - Complexity of High-Dimensional Identity Testing with Coordinate Conditional Sampling
with Antonio Blanca, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. COLT 2023. - From Algorithms to Connectivity and Back: Finding a Giant Component in Random k-SAT
with Nitya Mani and Ankur Moitra. SODA 2023. - Almost-Linear Planted Cliques Elude the Metropolis Process
with Elchanan Mossel and Ilias Zadik. SODA 2023. - Spectral Independence via Stability and Applications to Holant-Type Problems
with Kuikui Liu and Eric Vigoda. FOCS 2021. - Sampling Colorings and Independent Sets of Random Regular Bipartite Graphs in the Non-Uniqueness Region
with Andreas Galanis, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. SODA 2022. - On Mixing of Markov Chains: Coupling, Spectral Independence, and Entropy Factorization
with Antonio Blanca, Pietro Caputo, Daniel Parisi, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. SODA 2022. - Optimal Mixing of Glauber Dynamics: Entropy Factorization via High-Dimensional Expansion
with Kuikui Liu and Eric Vigoda. STOC 2021. Invited to SICOMP Special Issue. - Rapid Mixing for Colorings via Spectral Independence
with Andreas Galanis, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. SODA 2021. - The Swendsen-Wang Dynamics on Trees
with Antonio Blanca, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. RANDOM 2021. - Rapid Mixing of Glauber Dynamics up to Uniqueness via Contraction
with Kuikui Liu and Eric Vigoda. FOCS 2020. - Hardness of Identity Testing for Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Potts Models
with Antonio Blanca, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. COLT 2020. - Optimal Convergence Rate of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Strongly Logconcave Distributions
with Santosh Vempala. RANDOM 2019. Invited to ToC Special Issue. - Fast Algorithms at Low Temperatures via Markov Chains
with Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Will Perkins, James Stewart, and Eric Vigoda. RANDOM 2019. - Lower Bounds for Testing Graphical Models: Colorings and Antiferromagnetic Ising Models
with Ivona Bezáková, Antonio Blanca, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. JMLR 2020. Preliminary version in COLT 2019. - Swendsen-Wang Dynamics for General Graphs in the Tree Uniqueness Region
with Antonio Blanca and Eric Vigoda. RSA 2020. Preliminary version in RANDOM 2018. - Structure Learning of H-colorings
with Antonio Blanca, Daniel Štefankovič, and Eric Vigoda. TALG 2020. Preliminary version in ALT 2018 (Best Paper Award). - NEMO: Novel and Efficient Multicast Routing Schemes for Hybrid Data Center Networks
Xiaofeng Gao, Tao Chen, ZC, and Guihai Chen. Computer Networks, 2018. - On Symmetric BIBDs with the Same 3-Concurrence
with Da Zhao. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2017. - FT-INDEX: A Distributed Indexing Scheme for Switch-Centric Cloud Storage System
Xiaofeng Gao, Binjie Li, ZC, Maofan Yin, Guihai Chen, and Yaohui Jin. ICC 2015.
Email: chenzongchen at gatech dot edu
Office: KACB 2134