Our research group is currently recruiting PhD students to work in the direction of understanding the behaviour of geomaterials from a multiscale perspective through integrated schemes of theoretical and modelling works. Preferrably, the candidates are expected to have research experience or expertise (industry experiences or a Master’s degree) in, but not limited to, some of the following fields:

  1. Geotechnical engineering and geomechanics
  2. Poromechanics
  3. Constitutive modelling (of multiphysical behaviours)
  4. Computational physics/mechanics (with DFT, MD, DEM, MPM, etc.)
  5. Statistical physics
  6. Surface chemistry
  7. Material science (esp. metamaterials and meso-structured materials)

We also embrace a broad range of other topics and encourage discussions on sparkling research ideas. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me through my work email (hejian.zhu@ce.gatech.edu) to discuss. I am looking forward to your joining our quest in the fascinating world of geomechanics.