by Noah Hammond
For my Remix and Adaptation project I decided to use the two Cabinet Battle songs from the Hamilton soundtrack and turn them into the form of a Twitter argument. Hamilton and Jefferson have pretty heated debates about a couple of political topics and that just reminded me of the arguments that people have over Twitter these days.
I started off by going back to the genius annotations of the Cabinet Battle #1 and Cabinet Battle #2 to see their lyrics again. I went line by line, reading the annotations on the website and researching further into the subject of their disagreement. After I felt I had a pretty good grasp on what was going on during that time period, I started turning Jefferson’s initial arguments into tweets. This part was difficult since the original discussions were in an older form of English and the song lyrics were in rhyming verses. I tried to recreate language and habits that people on Twitter these days tend to favor. I also added gifs to most of the tweets to reinforce the message and add a multimodal aspect to the project. Since the technology is available to us, I see why people like to communicate using words and images online. I also had to create multiple new Twitter accounts which took some fiddling with due to Twitter’s privacy and safety policies.
If I had to improve my project, I would like to incorporate tweets from other people, whether they be subtweets, replies, or just other people commenting on the debates. This would make the conversation fell more real since the way social media is today, anyone can come in and give their opinion. If I added a series of tweets from George Washington trying to moderate the two over Twitter, it could be very interesting. There are still a lot of things that Twitter offers that I haven’t explored yet, but I feel that I learned more about it as an online platform form this project.