Bill Drummond

School of City and Regional Planning
Georgia Institute of Technology
Voice: 404-894-9840

A. TAG Smart Communities and Sustainability Materials
November 7, 2022

Link to blog posting with explanation of Georgia IRA projection in first slide

Link to details for 20 Drawdown Georgia solutions in second slide

Link to IRA expenditure estimates by Congressional Budget Office in second slide

Link to Proceedings of the National Academy of Science article documenting Drawdown Georgia solution selection process

B. Web materials I’ve developed

  1. Drawdown Georgia GHG Emissions Tracker.  The Tracker is an interactive dashboard that calculates state monthly GHG emissions and downscales them to the local county level.  The Tracker development and maintenance processes have been funded by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation as part of the larger Drawdown Georgia project.

  2. Emission Tracker data, methods, and other background materials. This site contains background materials for the Emissions Tracker.

  3. GIS for Climate Change.  One of my research areas is the application of spatial analysis technologies to the problem of climate change.  This website maps various climate change datasets for the state of Georgia.

C. Other useful Web links

  1. Main Drawdown Georgia web site sponsored by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation.
  2. Georgia Tech MS degree in Geographic Information Science and Technology program overview
  3. Georgia Tech MS-GIST supporting materials