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About Me

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the GREEN Lab in Georgia Institute of Technology in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I am advised by Prof. Saibal Mukhopadhyay. Generally, I work on understanding, characterizing, and modeling continual learning methods using biologically plausible spiking neural networks. More recently, I have been working on online learning of evolving dynamical systems using a recurrent spiking neural network and building an analytical understanding of the role of heterogeneity in the neuronal parameters for optimal learning.

Before starting my Ph.D., I was a Research Assistant at the NUS-Singtel Cyber-security R&D Lab, Singapore, where I worked with Prof. Mohan Gurusamy, Dr. Dinil Divakaran, Dr. Ido Nevat, and Prof. Gareth Peters on developing and implementing a risk-aware feature selection algorithm for IoT Device Classification.

Prior to that, I completed my undergraduate from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, where I was advised by Prof. Amit Konar. In my undergrad, I was working on research projects based on deep learning and signal processing- based modeling and characterization of EEG and fMRI signals and their applications in novel brain-computer interface algorithms.