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The Georgia Tech Center for Critical Mineral Solutions

Georgia Tech Center for Critical Mineral Solutions

The Center for Critical Mineral Solutions provides an interdisciplinary umbrella where critical mineral research and solutions can convergence, and sets the stage for regional collaboration and development. Our mission is to develop innovative solutions and train the future workforce for sustainable critical mineral production, which will be achieved through three interwoven pillars: research and development, strengthening collaborations with regional universities, and developing regional resources and economy.

What are Critical Minerals?

Critical Minerals such as rare earth elements (REEs), graphite, and battery metals (e.g., Li, Co, and Ni) are important for high-tech industry and energy security. With the fast-growing demands for energy sustainability, critical mineral supplies are facing significant challenges with the imbalance between demand and production, as well as the heavy environmental tokens associated with traditional mining and extraction technologies.


Learn about upcoming events or read about past events from across our community.

GEMs workshop

GEMs workshop

September 12 and 13, 2024, the second Georgia Partnerships for Essential Minerals (GEMs) workshop will be held on Georgia Tech campus on September 12-13, 2024. Mark your calendar and stay tuned! More information will be published at this link as it becomes...