

It is the responsibility of all students to be properly informed as to time and place for each of their final examinations.

Exams will be administered in the regular assigned classroom. No exams should be administered at a time other than that specified in the Final Exam Schedule without prior approval of the Registrar. Exceptions should be clearly announced in the course syllabus. Departments must notify Capital Planning & Space Management to reserve meeting space for exams that are not administered during the official exam period.

Each regularly scheduled lecture course of the Institute shall have a final examination which is to be administered at the time specified on the Final Exam Schedule. Students will have the full two hours and fifty minutes to complete the final, unless otherwise stated on the syllabus. Students must be notified of any changes to the duration of the final exam at least two weeks before the first day of Finals Week

All students, including degree candidates, will take final examinations in all courses in which they are registered on the days specified on the Final Exam Schedule.

A student reporting to a final examination room more than 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time shall not be allowed to take the examination unless a satisfactory explanation is presented to the instructor conducting the examination. Rules & Regulations XIIc

Three Examinations in One Day

No student is to take more than two examinations in one day. If three examinations are scheduled in one day, the examination for the middle period will be rescheduled to the conflict period or to another period mutually agreed on by the Instructor & student. Should the exam period be changed to the period for the other days, then it will be the responsibility of the instructor making the change to accommodate all conflicts created.


Any conflicts with the common physics exam are to be resolved by the School of Physics, and not by a professor giving their class in their officially scheduled period.

Any course that is offered outside the normal scheduling format must make arrangements to give way to courses offered in the normal time slot. If a conflict arises between two courses that offer finals outside the normal scheduling format, the conflict will be resolved by the instructor rescheduling the examination for the course with the lower number. The common final for any course may not take up more than one exam period.

All students should check the Final Exam Schedule against their own class schedule and report any conflicts to the instructor(s) as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of each student to see that all possible conflicts are resolved by the instructor and the proper authorization received no later than 2 weeks before the Monday of exam week. A special period is provided as a conflict period in which to reschedule conflicting examinations. Refer to the Final Exam Schedule for the conflict date. Other periods within the exam week may also be used for conflicting examinations provided no student is forced to take more than two examinations in one day.

There are two major classes of conflicts:

Conflict #1 Two examinations scheduled for the same period, neither course being examined at other hours, or no available hour on the student’s schedule to take the exam with another section.
Resolution #1 This conflict may be resolved by the instructor rescheduling the examination, for the course with the lower number, to the conflict period stated on the Final Exam Schedule, or to another period mutually agreed on by the instructor and the student.
Conflict #2 Three examinations scheduled in one day.
Resolution #2 To resolve this conflict, the examination scheduled for the middle period will be rescheduled to the conflict period stated on the Final Exam Schedule or to another period mutually agreed on by the instructor and student.

Examinations for Courses Meeting a Staggered Schedule

Examinations for classes meeting a staggered schedule should use the examination period for the days of the week that the majority of the course meets.

Example #1 MWF 8, TTH 2 should use the exam period for the MWF 8 courses.
Example #2 TTH 9:30-11, MW10 should use the exam period for the TTH 9:00 & 9:30 classes.

Schedule: http://www.registrar.gatech.edu/registration/exams.php