Books and Book Chapters
- (*) E. Berrocal, M. Paciaroni, Y. C. Mazumdar, M. Andersson, Z. Falgout, and M. Linne, “Optical Spray Imaging Diagnostics,” Optical Diagnostics for Reacting and Non-Reacting Flows: Theory and Practice, Edited by S. Roy and A. Steinberg, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2023. []
Journal Publications
- (*) N. Kohls and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Soft Electromagnetic Actuator and Oscillator,” Advanced Materials Technologies, p. 2400982, 2024. []
- (*) J. A. Johnson, A. W. Marsh, E. J. Douglas , B. Ochs, S. Hammack, S. Menon, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Digital Holography for the Study of Non-aerated Liquid Jets in Supersonic Crossflows,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 40 (1-4), p. 105471, 2024. [] [Also presented at the International Combustion Symposium]
- (*) G. T. Wang, Y. Peng, W. Sun, and Y. C. Mazumdar “Multi-color Phase-correlation Interferometer for Shock Wave Refractive Index Measurements,” Optics Letters, vol. 49 (12), pp. 3480-3483, 2024. []
- (*) S. Mettes, J. F. Schwalbe, K. W. Allen, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Fully 3D Printed Multi-layer Axial Flux Stator for Rotary Electromagnetic Motors,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 29 (4), pp. 2903-2910, 2024. []
- (*) R. McGrath, J. C. Juergensmeyer, R. Bond, E. Bugay, S. Wehe, D. Wu, A. Steinberg, W. Sun, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Planar Laser-Induced Incandescence for the Study of Soot Production in a Multi-Sector RQL Jet A Combustor,” Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 18C, p. 100269, 2024. []
- (*) A. W. Marsh, A. N. Kramer, K. N. Maranto, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Imaging Focused Laser Differential Interferometry,” Optics Letters, vol. 49 (8), pp. 2109-2112, 2024. []
- (*) G. T. Wang, K. A. Daniel, K. P. Lynch, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High Temperature and Pressure Gladstone-Dale Coefficient Measurements in Air Behind Reflected Shock Waves,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 35 (8), p.086121, 2023. []
- (*) N. Kohls, N. Colonnese, Y. C. Mazumdar, and P. Agarwal, “HAPSEA: Hydraulically Amplified Soft Electromagnetic Actuator for Haptics,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 28 (4), pp. 1948-1956, 2023. [] [Also presented at the 2023 IEEE/ASME AIM Conference]
- (*) A. W. Marsh, A. X. Zheng, G. T. Wang, M. L. Hobbs, S. P. Kearney, Y. C. Mazumdar, “Evolution of Titanium Particle Combustion in Potassium Perchlorate and Air,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 253, p. 112787, 2023. []
- (*) A. X. Zheng, S. R. Manikandan, S. E. Wonfor, A. M. Steinberg, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Planar Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence for Pressurized Premixed Jet-A Combustion,” Applied Physics B, vol. 129, p. 71, 2023. [] [Journal Cover for May 2023]
- (*) N. Kohls, R. Balak, B. P. Ruddy, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Soft Electromagnetic Motor and Soft Magnetic Sensors for Synchronous Rotary Motion,” Soft Robotics, 2023. []
- (*) G. T. Wang, Y. Peng, K. P. Lynch, D. R. Guildenbecher, W. Sun, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Hybrid Interferometric Diagnostic for Refractive Index Measurement Across Discrete Shock Waves,” Optics Letters, vol. 47 (16), 47, pp. 4159-4162, 2022. []
- (*) R. Balak and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Bistable Valves for Magnetorheological Fluid-based Soft Robotic Actuation Systems,” Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6 (4), pp. 8285-8292, 2021. []
- (*) A. W. Marsh, T. M. Evans, B. Musci, J. Uzodima, S. P. Kearney, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Phase Distortion Cancellation Using Recalculated Intensity Propagation Phase Holography,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 146, 106706, 2021. []
- (*) N. Kohls, A. X. Zheng, J. Kim, G. Mohler, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Magnetic Tags with Unique Self-Assembly Patterns for Tracking Applications,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 535, 168045, 2021. []
- (*) A. W. Marsh, G. T. Wang, J. D. Heyborne, D. R. Guildenbecher, Y. C. Mazumdar, “Time-resolved Size, Velocity, and Temperature Statistics of Aluminum Combustion in Solid Rocket Propellants.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38(3), pp. 4417-4424, 2021. [Presented at the 2020 Combustion Symposium] []
- (*) N. Kohls†, I. Abdeally†, B. P. Ruddy and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Design of a Xenia Coral Robot using a High-stroke Compliant Linear Electromagnetic Actuator,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Controls, vol.1(3), 031011, 2021. [Presented at ASME DSCC Conf., †These Authors Contributed Equally to this Work] []
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, M. E. Smyser, J. D. Heyborne, M. N. Slipchenko, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Megahertz-rate Shock-wave Distortion Cancellation via Phase Conjugate Digital In-line Holography,” Nature Communications, vol. 11, 1129, 2020. []
- (*) M. Arienti, M. Ballard, M. Sussman, Y. C. Mazumdar, J. L. Wagner, P. A. Farias, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Comparison of Simulation and Experiments for Multimode Aerodynamic Breakup of a Liquid Metal Column in a Shock-Induced Cross-Flow,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 31 (8), 082110, 2019. [].
- Z. Falgout, Y. Chen, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Improving the spatial dynamic range of digital inline particle holography,” Applied Optics, vol. 58 (5), pp. A65-A73, 2019. []
- Y. Chen, E. Cenker, D. R. Richardson, S. P. Kearney, B. R. Halls, S. A. Skeen, C. R. Shaddix, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Single-camera, Single-shot, Time-resolved Laser-induced Incandescence Decay Imaging,” Optics Letters, vol. 43 (21), pp.5363-5366, 2018. []
- A. Mazumdar†, Y. Chen†, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders, C. F. Brooks, M. Kuehl, and M. B. Nemer, “Wireless Temperature Sensing Using Permanent Magnets for Nonlinear Feedback Control of Exothermic Polymers,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.18 (19), pp. 7970-7979, 2018. [†These Authors Contributed Equally to this Work] []
- Y. Chen, J. L. Wagner, P. A. Farias, E. P. DeMauro, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Galinstan Liquid Metal Breakup and Droplet Formation in a Shock-induced Cross-flow,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 106, pp. 147-163, 2018. []
- Y. Chen, A. Mazumdar, C. F. Brooks, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders, S. D. Bond, and M. B. Nemer, “Remote Distributed Vibration Sensing through Opaque Media using Permanent Magnets,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 54 (6), pp.1-13, 2018. []
- M. S. Powell, I. W. Gunduz, W. Shang, J. Chen, S. F. Son, Y. Chen, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Agglomerate Sizing in Aluminized Propellants Using Digital Inline Holography and Traditional Diagnostics,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol. 34 (4), pp. 1002-1014, 2018. []
- M. E. Paciaroni†, Y. Chen†, K. P. Lynch, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Backscatter Particle Image Velocimetry via Optical Time-of-flight Sectioning (PIVOTS),” Optics Letters, vol. 43 (2), pp. 312-315, 2018. [†These Authors Contributed Equally to this Work][]
- Y. Chen, D. R Guildenbecher, K. N. G. Hoffmeister, M. A. Cooper, H. L. Stauffacher, M. S. Oliver, and E. B. Washburn, “Study of Aluminum Particle Combustion in Solid Propellant Plumes using Digital In-line Holography and Imaging Pyrometry,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 182C, pp. 225-237, 2017. []
- Y. Chen, O. Guba, C. F. Brooks, C. C. Roberts, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders, and M. B. Nemer, “Remote Temperature Distribution Sensing Using Permanent Magnets,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53 (2), paper 6000113, 2017. []
- Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “Nonlinear Stochastic System Identification of Skin Using Volterra Kernels,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41 (4), pp. 847-862, 2013. []
- E. J. Sandford, Y. Chen, I. W. Hunter, G. Hillebrand, and L. A. Jones, “Capturing skin properties from dynamic mechanical analyses,” Skin Research and Technology, vol. 19, pp. e339-e348, 2013. []
- Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “Stochastic System Identification of Skin Properties: Linear and Wiener Static Nonlinear Methods,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 40 (10), pp. 2277-2291, 2012. []
- R. Z. Pytel, E. L. Thomas, Y. Chen, and I. W. Hunter, “Anisotropic Actuation of Mechanically Textured Polypyrrole Films,” Polymer, vol. 49 (5), pp. 1338-1349, 2008. []
Journal Articles Under Review
- (*) S. Mettes, C. T. Howard, J. Roper, T. M. Shapero, K. W. Allen, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Multilayer 3D-printed Doubly-curved Frequency Selective Surface for L-Ka-Band Filtering,” 2024. [Under review]
- (*) G. T. Wang, R. McGrath, N. D. Kohls, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High Resolution Non-contact Vibration Sensing using Permanent Magnets,” 2024. [Under review]
- (*) J. C. Juergensmeyer, R. McGrath, J. Miller, R. Bond, W. Sun, Y. C. Mazumdar, and A. M. Steinberg, “Experimental Investigation of Particulate Matter Oxidation by Hydroxyl in an Aerospace Combustor,” 2024. [Under review]
Conference Publications (Refereed)
- (*) S. Mettes, J. Bates, K. W. Allen, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “A Fully 3D Printed, Multi-Material, and High Operating Temperature Electromagnetic Coil Actuator,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Machines (AIM), pp. 517-524, 2023. [] [Best Conference Paper at AIM 2023]
- (*) S. Mettes, N. Kohls, K. W. Allen, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Characterization of a 3D Printed Electric Solenoid with Multi-layer Silver Nanoparticle Traces,” AACC Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference, vol. 55 (37), pp. 139-144, 2022.[] [Finalist for Best Student Paper Award]
- (*) N. Kohls, K. L. Gibson, A. Singla, R. Balak, A. Jargalsaikhan, B. Bartolek, V. Gattani, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Carbon Black Sensor and Neural Network Model for Sensing Angle in Soft Pneumatic Actuators,” AACC Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference, vol. 55 (37),pp. 199-204, 2022. []
- (*) R. Balak and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Multi-Modal Pneumatic Actuator for Twisting, Extension, and Bending, ” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 8673- 8679, 2020. []
- (*) N. Kohls, B. Dias, Y. Mensah, B. P. Ruddy, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Compliant Electromagnetic Actuator Architecture for Soft Robotics, ” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 9042-9049, 2020. []
- Y. Chen, O. Guba, C. F. Brooks, C. C. Roberts, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders and M. B. Nemer, “Wireless Temperature Sensing Using Permanent Magnets for Multiple Points Undergoing Repeatable Motions,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, paper DSCC2016-9663, pp. V002T26A001, 2016. []
- Y. Chen, J. Liang and I. W. Hunter, “Modular Continuum Robotic Endoscope Design and Path Planning,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 5393-5400, 2014.
[] - Y. Chen, J. M. Oliveira and I. W. Hunter, “Two-Axis Bend Sensor Design, Kinematics and Control for a Continuum Robotic Endoscope,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 696-702, 2013.[] [Finalist for Best Medical Robotics Paper for ICRA 2013]
- Y. Chen, J. M. Oliveira and I. W. Hunter, “Sensor Architecture for a Two-Actuator Robotic Endoscope Tip,” 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 8340-8343, 2011. []
- J. M. Oliveira, Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “Robotic Endoscope Motor Module and Gearing Design,” 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 7380-7383, 2011.[]
- Y. Chen, S. Tanaka and I. W. Hunter, “Disposable Endoscope Tip Actuation Design and Robotic Platform,” 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 2279-2282, 2010.[]
- Y. Chen, J. H. Chang, A. S. Greenlee, K. C. Cheung, A. H. Slocum and R. Gupta, “Multi-turn, Tension-stiffening Catheter Navigation System,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 5570-5575, 2010. []
- Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “In Vivo Characterization of Skin using a Wiener Nonlinear Stochastic System Identification Method,” 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6010-6013, 2009. []
Conference Publications (Other)
- (*) N. M. Moore, A. W. Marsh, M. S. Christie, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High Magnification Holography for Characterizing Multi-phase Detonation Breakup,” 63rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, p. AIAA 2025-2535, 2025. []
- (*) A. Jain, I. M. Obi, Y. C. Mazumdar, V. Salazar, M. Kodali, K. Venkatesan, and A. M. Steinberg, “Flame Structure, Spray, and Blowout of a Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustor With Conventional and Sustainable Jet Fuels,” 63rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, p. AIAA 2025-0791, 2025. []
(*) S. Budzinski, I. M. Obi, S. E. Wonfor, J. C. Juergensmeyer, A. M. Steinberg, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Comparative Study of Digital In-Line Holography and Phase Doppler Particle Analysis for LPP Combustion,” 63rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, p. AIAA 2025-2533, 2025. []
(*) E. J. Douglas, A. X. Zheng, A. W. Marsh, J. A. Johnson, S. Menon, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Holographic Cross-correlation Analysis for Velocity Characterization of Liquid Jets in Supersonic Crossflows,” 63rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, p. AIAA 2025-0239, 2025. []
(*) R. B. Vishwanath, O. Bibik, D. Olimid, E. J. Douglas, A. T. Fan, S. Wehe, Y. C. Mazumdar, A. M. Steinberg, and W. Sun “Drop-size Measurements using Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry in a Confined High-pressure Sector Combustor,” 63rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, p. 2025-1519, 2025. []
(*) S. E. Wonfor, J. C. Juergensmeyer, S. M. Budzinski, S. Wehe, Y. C. Mazumdar, J. M. Seitzman, and A. M. Steinberg, “Lean Blowoff Limits and Emissions Trends in a Multi-Element Combustor with Variable Reactant Mixedness and Vaporization,” International Congress in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), 2024.
- (*) T. Endo, Y. C. Mazumdar, P. Nielsen, and B. P. Ruddy, “A Modelling Framework and Insights about a Novel Low-Velocity Modular Linear Motor Design,” International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2024. []
- (*) M. L. Passarelli, S. E. Wonfor, A. X. Zheng, Y. C. Mazumdar, and A. M. Steinberg, H. Bower, J. H. Hong, K. Venkatesan, “Blowoff Characteristics of a Bluff-Body Stabilized, Multi-Element, Lean Premixed Pre-Vaporized Combustor for Supersonic Transport Applications,” ASME 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (GT2024), p. GT2024-129322, 2024. []
- (*) S. M. Budzinski, S. E. Wonfor, J. C. Juergensmeyer, A. W. Marsh, S. Wehe, A. M. Steinberg, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Design of a Lean Prevaporized Premixed Combustor for Civil Supersonic Transportation Applications,” 62nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2024. []
- (*) M. S. Christie, N. M. Moore, A.W. Marsh, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Study of Liquid Droplet Breakup in Detonation Waves using Digital Holography,” 62nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2024. []
- (*) A. X. Zheng, R. Knepper, D. Damm, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Optical Digital Image Correlation for the Study of Thermal Cycling and Mechanical Fracture of Energetic Materials,” 62nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2024. []
- (*) R. McGrath, J. C. Juergensmeyer, R. Bond, E. M. Bugay, S. Wehe, D. Wu, W. Sun, A. M. Steinberg, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Study of Soot and OH Formation in a Multi-sector RQL Aeroengine Combustor,” 62nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2024. []
- (*) R. McGrath, E. M. Bugay, J. Juergensmeyer, A. X. Zheng, D. Wu, A. Steinberg, W. Sun, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Single-camera Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence Measurements in a RQL Aeroengine Combustor,” 13th United States National Combustion Meeting (USNCM), Sub Topic: Diagnostics, pp. 22-31, 2023.
- (*) A. W. Marsh, Z. D’ambra, A. M. McMaster, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Analysis of Holography Techniques for Phase Distortion Removal in Extreme Environments,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2023. []
- (*) G. T. Wang, D. R. Guildenbecher, K. P. Lynch, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High Temperature Gladstone-Dale Coefficient Measurements in a Free-Piston Shock Tube,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2023. []
- (*) A. X. Zheng, S. R. Manikandan, S. E. Wonfor, A. M. Steinberg, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Planar Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence for Particulate Emissions in Premixed Flames at Elevated Pressures,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2023. []
- (*) J. A. Johnson, S. Menon, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Digital Holography for Investigating Instabilities and Primary Breakup of Liquid Jets in Supersonic Crossflows,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2023. []
- (*) M. L. Passarelli, S. E. Wonfor, A. X. Zheng, Y. C. Mazumdar, J. M. Seitzman, A. M. Steinberg, V. Salazar, K. Venkatesan, and M. Benjamin, “Forced and Unforced Dynamics of a Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustor for Civil Supersonic Transport,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2023. []
- (*)A. W. Marsh and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Holographic Techniques for Shockwave and Thermal Distortion Cancellation,” Optica Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA), LM1B.3, 2022. [Invited Talk for Y. Mazumdar] []
- (*) A. W. Marsh, G. T. Wang, A. X. Zheng, Z. T. D’Ambra, T. D. Hampson, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Study of Titanium Potassium Perchlorate Combustion using Electric Field Holography and Imaging Pyrometry,” 60th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, paper AIAA 2022-1522, 2022. []
- (*) G. T. Wang, Y. Peng, W. Sun, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Shock Tube Index of Refraction Measurements using a Quadrature Fringe Imaging Interferometer,” 60th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, paper AIAA 2022-2173, 2022. []
- (*) M. L. Passarelli, S. E. Wonfor, A. X. Zheng, S. R. Manikandan, Y. C. Mazumdar, J. M. Seitzman, A. M. Steinberg, H. Bower, S. Hong, K. Venkatesan, and M. Benjamin, “Experimental Characterization of a Lean Prevaporized Premixed Combustor for Supersonic Transport Applications,” 60th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2022-2347, 2022. []
- (*) B. P. Ruddy, Y. C. Mazumdar, and J. Y. Guan,”Liquid Conductor Electric Machines: A New Cooling Approach for Pulsed Power Applications,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 5955-5960, 2021. []
- (*) A. W. Marsh, A. X. Zheng, J. D. Heyborne, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Solid Propellant Scaling Analysis Using Simultaneous Holography and Imaging Pyrometry,” 59th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Scitech, paper AIAA 2021-1373, 2021. []
- (*) G. T. Wang and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High-Gradient Index of Refraction Measurements with a Quadrature Fringe Imaging Interferometer,” 59th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Scitech, paper AIAA 2021-0936, 2021. []
- (*) G. T. Wang and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Quadrature Fringe Imaging Interferometer for Index of Refraction Measurements,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LTh4F.2, 2020. [] [Finalist for Student Paper Award]
- (*) T. M. Evans, A. W. Marsh, J. Uzodinma, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Digital Phase-Sensitive Holography for Numerical Shock-wave Distortion Cancellation,”58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Scitech, paper AIAA 2020-1972, 2020. []
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, J. L. Wagner, D. J. Frederick, D. R. Guildenbecher, and T. L. Hendricks, “Spatially-Resolved Surface Temperature Measurements of a Rocket Motor Nozzle using an Acousto-optic Modulator,” 58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Scitech, paper AIAA 2020-1283, 2020. []
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, J. D. Heyborne, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Laser Diagnostics for Solid Rocket Propellants and Explosives,” IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID), 2019. [Invited Talk]
- Y. Chen, J. D. Heyborne, D. R. Guildenbecher, M. E. Smyser, and M. N. Slipchenko, “Ultra-high-speed Pulse-burst Phase Conjugate Digital In-line Holography for Imaging Through Shock-wave Distortions,” 57th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, paper AIAA 2019-1602, 2019. []
- Y. Chen, J. L. Wagner, P. A. Farias and D. R Guildenbecher, “Study of Galinstan Liquid Metal Breakup Using Backlit Imaging and Digital In-line Holography,” 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), 2018. []
- Z. Falgout, Y. Chen and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Improving the Detectable Particle Size Floor of Digital In-line Holography,” 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), 2018. []
- Y. Chen, J. D. Heyborne, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Time-resolved Digital In-line Holography and Pyrometry for Aluminized Solid Rocket Propellants,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, paper LTu3C.5, 2018. [] [Invited Talk]
- M. E. Paciaroni, Y. Chen, K. P. Lynch, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “PIVOTS: A Novel Method of Performing Time Gated Particle Image Velocimetry,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, paper LM3C.4, 2018. [Invited Talk] []
- Y. Chen and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Quantitative, Bias-Corrected Measurements of Droplet Position, Size and Velocity with Digital In-line Holography,” 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2017.
[] [Marshall Award for Best Paper in ILASS, Invited Talk] - M. Arienti, Y. Chen, J. L. Wagner and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Aerodynamic Breakup of Liquid Metal in a Shock-Induced Crossflow,” 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2017.
- Y. Chen, E. P. DeMauro, J. L. Wagner, M. Arienti, D. R. Guildenbecher, P. Farias, T. W. Grasser, P. Sanderson, S. Albert, A. Turpin, W. Sealy, and R. S. Ketchum, “Aerodynamic Breakup and Secondary Drop Formation for a Liquid Metal Column in a Shock-Induced Cross-Flow,” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA 2017-1892, 2017. []
- Y. Chen, D. R. Guildenbecher, K. N. Hoffmeister, P. E. Sojka, “Digital Imaging Holography and Pyrometry of Aluminum Drop Combustion in Solid Propellant Plumes,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, paper LT4F.2, 2016. []
- Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “Design of a Miniature Hyperspectral Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer For Endoscopy,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference: Imaging Systems and Applications, paper IW1E.2, 2016. []
- D. R. Guildenbecher, J. L. Wagner, J. D. Olles, Y. Chen, E. P. Demauro, P. Farias, T. W. Grasser, and P. E. Sojka, “kHz Rate Digital In-line Holography Applied to Quantify Secondary Droplets from the Aerodynamic Breakup of a Liquid Column in a Shock-Tube,” 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, Paper AIAA 2016-1044, 2016. []
Conference Posters and Presentations
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, A. W. Marsh, and G. T. Wang, “Interferometric Measurement Techniques for High Speed and High Temperature Flows,” 61st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, Orlando, Florida, January 8-12, 2024. [Invited Talk for Y. Mazumdar]
- (*) R. Kim, Y. Zhang, W. J. Ready, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Fluorescent Multi-layer Europium-Doped Coatings Created using Ion Assisted Deposition”, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 3-7, 2024.
- (*) A. Forbes, A. Williams, J. B. Peavy, and Y. C. Mazumdar,”Estimating Vehicle Surface Temperature over a Hypersonic Flight Trajectory for Sensor Placement Analysis ,” Hypersonic Technology & Systems Conference, North Logan, Utah, October 16-19, 2023.
- (*) M. Bagadion, R. Murphey, A. Mazumdar, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Removal of High Temperature Emission from Mid-Infrared Images for Hypersonic Flight,” University Consortium of Applied Hypersonics Fall Forum, Alexandria, Virginia, August 1-3, 2023.
- (*) R. Kim, Y. Zhang, W. J. Ready, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Fluorescent Multi-layer Europium Doped Coatings Using Ion Assisted Deposition,” University Consortium of Applied Hypersonics Fall Forum, Alexandria, Virginia, August 1-3, 2023.
- (*) A. Kapperman, T. Shapero, C. Howard, K. Allen, D. Reed, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Modelling and Design of Radome Material Measurement Methods for an Ultra-High Temperature Furnace,” University Consortium of Applied Hypersonics Fall Forum, Alexandria, Virginia, August 1-3, 2023.
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, G. T. Wang, and A. W. Marsh, “Holographic and Interferometric Diagnostics for High Speed Flow Applications,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science, Sunday River, Maine, June 9-14, 2023. [Invited Talk for Y. Mazumdar]
- (*) A. W. Marsh, Z. D’Ambra, T. M. Evans, B. C. Musci, J. Uzodima, S. P. Kearney, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Phase Distortion Correction in Digital Holography using Phase Shifting and Off-Axis Holography,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science, Sunday River, Maine, June 9-14, 2023.
- (*) A. X. Zheng, S. R. Manikandan, S. E. Wonfor, A. M. Steinberg and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Planar Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence for Premixed Prevaporized Jet A Flames at Elevated Pressures,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science, Sunday River, Maine, June 9-14, 2023.
- (*) G. T. Wang, K. Daniel, K. Lynch, D. R. Guildenbecher, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “High Resolution Interferometer for Non-constant Gladstone-Dale Measurements Across Shock Waves,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science, Sunday River, Maine, June 9-14, 2023.
- (*) C. Howard, A. Kapperman, T. Shapero, R. Kim, and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Improving Testing and Sensing for Radome and Window Materials for Hypersonic Vehicle Applications,” University Consortium of Applied Hypersonics Spring Forum, College Station, Texas, March 14-15, 2023.
- (*) G. T. Wang and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Optical Diagnostic for Index of Refraction Measurements Across Shock Waves,” AIAA Scitech, National Harbor, Maryland, January 23-27, 2023. [AIAA Scitech Rising Stars Invited Talk for G. Wang]
- (*) A. W. Marsh and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Studying the Mechanisms of Metal Particle Combustion using Holography and Imaging Pyrometry,” AIAA Scitech, National Harbor, Maryland, January 23-27, 2023. [AIAA Scitech Rising Stars Invited Talk for A. W. Marsh]
- (*) N. Kohls, R. Balak, B. P. Ruddy and Y. C. Mazumdar, “Soft Electromagnetic Actuators with Liquid Metal Conductors and Compliant Permanent Magnets,” MECC 2022 Conference, Jersey City, New Jersey, October 3-5, 2022. [ASME DSCD Rising Stars Invited Talk for N. Kohls]
- (*) A. Forbes, A. Williams, J. B. Peavy, and Y. C. Mazumdar,”Estimating vehicle surface temperature over a hypersonic flight trajectory for sensor placement analysis,” Hypersonic Technology & Systems Conference, North Logan, Utah, October 24-27, 2022.
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, S. R. Kalidindi, K. W. Allen, D. R. Reid, W. J. Ready, J. B. Peavy, and A. Williams, “Improving the Characterization of Radome Materials and Self-Calibration of Mid-IR Windows for Hypersonic Applications,” JANNAF 2022, Newport News,Virginia, June 6-10, 2022. [Invited Talk for Y. Mazumdar]
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, “Optical Diagnostics for Multiphase Combustion of Propellants and Energetic Materials,” 12th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion & Energetic Materials, Santander, Spain (virtual), March 23-25, 2021. [Invited Plenary Speaker]
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, “2022 AMT Update Presentations and Student Event,”AIAA Scitech, San Diego, California, Jan. 3-7, 2022. [Invited Short Talk for Y. Mazumdar]
- (*) Y. C. Mazumdar, “Highlighting Women in AMT,” AIAA Scitech, Nashville, Tennessee (Remote), Jan. 11-21, 2021. [Invited Panelist for Y. Mazumdar]
- Y. C. Mazumdar, M. E. Smyser, J. D. Heyborne, M. N. Slipchenko, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Shock-wave Distortion Cancellation using Ultra-high-speed Phase-conjugate Digital In-line Holography,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science. June 23-28, 2019. [Selected for Hot Topic Talk]
- Y. C. Mazumdar, E. Cenker, D. R. Richardson, S. P. Kearney, B. R. Halls, S. A. Skeen, C. R. Shaddix, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Single-shot Soot Particle Sizing in Turbulent Flames using Ultra-High-Speed Imaging,” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science. June 23-28, 2019.
- D. R. Richardson, Y. Chen, B. R. Halls, D. R. Guildenbecher, E. Cenker, S. A. Skeen, and C. R. Shaddix, “Advances in Ultra-high-speed Combustion Diagnostics,” 57th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2019. [Invited Talk]
- Y. Chen, D. R. Richardson, E. Cenker, B. R. Halls, S. Skeen, C. Shaddix, and D. R. Guildenbecher, “Turbulent Flame LII Particle Sizing via Ultra-High-Speed Imaging.” 8th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence. June 10-13, 2018. [Selected for Workshop Talk]
- E. Cenker, S. Skeen, Y. Chen, D. R. Richardson, C. R. Shaddix and D. R Guildenbecher, “LII Particle-Size Imaging with an Ultra-High-Speed CMOS Camera.” 8th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence. June 10-13, 2018. [Selected for Workshop Talk]
- Y. Chen and D. R Guildenbecher, “Simultaneous High-Speed Digital In-Line Holography and Pyrometry Measurements of Aluminized Solid Rocket Propellant Combustion.” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion. August 6-11, 2017.
- M. E. Paciaroni, Y. Chen, and D. R Guildenbecher, “Backscatter Particle Image Velocimetry via Optical Time-of-flight Sectioning (PIVOTS).” Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion. August 6-11, 2017. [Selected for Hot Topic Talk]
- Y. Chen, J. H. Chang, K. C. Cheung, A. S. Greenlee and R. Gupta, “The Marco Polo Project: A Novel Catheter Navigation System.” CIMIT Forum. Feb 10, 2009.
- Y. Chen, J. H. Chang, K. C. Cheung, A. S. Greenlee, and R. Gupta, “Catheter Navigation System for Extravascular Procedures.” CIMIT Innovation Congress 2009. Oct 27, 2009.
Issued Patents
- Y. C. Mazumdar, M. B. Nemer, and A. Mazumdar, “Wireless Sensing and Control of Temperature using Magnetic Fields,” U. S. Patent 11,376,765, 2022. []
- Y. C. Mazumdar, M. B. Nemer, A. Mazumdar, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders, C. F. Brooks, O. Guba, and S. D. Bond, “Remote Vibration Sensing through Opaque Media using Permanent Magnets,” U. S. Patent 10,969,269. U. S. Patent Application 16/169,168, 2020. []
- Y. C. Mazumdar, M. B. Nemer, C. F. Brooks, B. G. van Bloemen Waanders, C. C. Roberts, and A. Dodd, “System and Method for Measuring Fluid Properties using Magnetic Field Techniques via Magnetic Tracer,” U.S. Patent 10,627,269 B2. U. S. Patent Application 16/124,046, 2020. []
- I. W. Hunter and Y.Chen, “Multi-link Modular Continuum Robotic Endoscope System,” PCT/US2015/028082. U. S. Patent 10,743,750 B2. [] [] []
- Y. Chen and I. W. Hunter, “Systems, Apparatus, and Methods for Spectral Imaging,” U.S. Patent 10,444,007 B2, Provisional Patent Application No. 62/192,824. []
- I. W. Hunter and Y. Chen, “Methods, systems, and apparatus for imaging spectroscopy,” U.S. Patent 9,681,798 B2. WO Patent Application WO/2014/190027. []
[] []. U. S. Patent Application US20160066775 A1 []. - I. W. Hunter and Y. Chen and L. A. Jones and N. C. Hogan, “Identification techniques and device for testing the efficacy of beauty care products and cosmetics,” U. S. Patent 9,265,461[] []. U. S. Patent Application 20110054355 A1 [].
- I. W. Hunter and Y. Chen, “Nonlinear system identification techniques and device for discovering dynamic and static tissue properties,” U. S. Patent 8,758,271 B2, June 14, 2014. WO Patent Application 2,011,028,719. [] .
- J. Chen, A. D. Herzon, A. J. Reifel and Y. Chen, “Ventilation airflow rate control,” U. S. Patent 8,672,733 B2. EP Patent 2,118,575, March 18, 2014. WO Patent 2,008,097,743. [].
- Y. Chen, J. Chen, A. J. Reifel and D. L. Koesterer, “System and method for controlling an air conditioner or heat pump,” U. S. Patent 7,784,296, August 31, 2010. [].
Patent Applications
- I. W. Hunter, Y. Chen, and J. M. Oliveira, “Tip actuated disposable endoscope,” U. S. Patent Application US2011/049167. WO Patent 2,012,027,581. [link to Espacenet] [].
- I. W. Hunter, Y. Chen, N. C. Hogan, B. P Ruddy, “Jet Injector Use In Oral Evaluation,” US Patent Application 20120003601. [].
Ph.D. Thesis
- (*) G. T. Wang, “Interferometric Diagnostic Techniques for Measuring Optical Properties of High Temperature Gases,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, 2024.
- (*) N. Kohls, “The Design and Application of Soft Electromagnetic Actuators,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, 2024.
Master’s Thesis
- (*) S. Budzinski, “Design and Initial Optical Characterization of a Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustor,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Master’s Thesis, 2024.
- (*) R. McGrath, “Laser Induced Incandescence for Volume Fraction and Relative Particle Size Measurement in a Rich-Quench-Lean Jet A Combustor,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Master’s Thesis, 2023.
- (*) J. Johnson, “Digital Holography for Exploring Instabilities and Breakup of Liquid Jets in Supersonic Crossflows,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Master’s Thesis, 2023. [].
- (*) R. Balak, “Design, Sensing, and Control of Soft Multi-axis Fluidic Actuators for Robotic Manipulation,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Master’s Thesis, 2021. [].