
Dr. Zhou’s research is in the general area of the sustainable supply chain that includes transportation, and storage distribution center designs. His current focus is the evaluation of projects and systems with the objective of human well-being such as health, mental health and safety and the costs associated with poor health, lack of nutrition, lack of health and lack of safety. For example, heavily processed foods are convenient, and flavorful and perform well in financial evaluations. However, there are costs to the consumers and the taxpayers external to the suppliers. The challenges are to find solutions to increase the consumption of fresh food. Fresh food contains important nutrients that humans need to stay healthy and productive. It would require out-of-the-box solutions to increase their consumption.

Representative Publications google scholar

  1. Merritt Blum, Celia Hu, Claire Lin, Angela Stefanowicz, Hui-Tien Sun, and Chen Zhou, “Challenges and Solutions to Increase Fresh Food Consumption in Food Desert and College Campus,” IISE Annual Conference Proceedings, May 2022. IISE Annual Conference Paper.
  2. Wu, Yingying; Zhou, Chen; Ma, Wenkai; Kong, Xiang T. R., “Modelling and Design for a Shuttle-based Storage and Retrieval System”, Intl J. Production Research, 58(1): pp 1 – 21. Jan. 2020.
  3. H Liu, J Zhang, C Zhou, Y Ru, “Optimal purchase and inventory retrieval policies for perishable seasonal agricultural products,” Omega 79, 133-145, 2018.
  4. Wu, Y., Zhou, C. Wu, Y. H., Kong, X., “Zone Merge Sequencing in an Automated Order Picking System,” Intl J of Production Research. Vol 55, No. 21, pp 5500 – 5515, Nov. 2016.
  5. Kim H. S., McGinnis, L and Zhou, C, “On fidelity and model selection for discrete event simulation”, Simulation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol 88 Issue 1, January 2012, pp 97-109.
  6. Wang, Y., Zhou, C., “Design Analysis of Accumulation and Control of Large Scale Conveyor System in Distribution Centers,” J. Systems Science and Systems Engineering. Vol 19, No. 4, pp 408-429, 2010.
  7. Han, Y. H., Zhou, C. “Dynamic Sequencing of Jobs on Conveyor Systems for Minimizing Changeovers”, Intl J of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 49, No 9-12, pp 1251-1259, 2010.
  8. Lai, J., McGinnis, L., Zhou*, C., Harjati, A., and Guldberg, T. “An Economic and Environmental Framework for Analyzing Globally Sourced Auto Parts Packaging System,” Special issue for Sustainability and Supply Chain Management of Journal for Cleaner Production, Vol 17, No. 15, pp 1632-1646 October 2008. 1.
  9. Hua, W., and Zhou*, C. “Cluster and Filling Curve Based Storage in Circuit Board Assembly Kitting area” IIE Transactions. April 2008, pp 569 – 585. (6) (IIE Transactions best paper award).
  10. Wang, Y. and Zhou*, C., “Fluid-Based Simulation Approach for High Volume Conveyor Transportation Systems,” Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol 13, No. 3, pp. 297 – 317. Sept 2004.
  11. Jeong, Myong-Kee, Perry, M., Zhou*, C. “Throughput Gain with Parallel Flow in Automated Flow Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pp 84 – 86, January 2005,
  12. Dowling, M., Griffin, P., Zhou, C. “Statistical Issues in Geometric Tolerance Verification Using Coordinate Measuring Machines,” Technometrics, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1997. Pp 3 – 17 (lead article).
  13. Arkin, C. Lee, R., McGinnis, L. and Zhou, C., “The Development of a Shared Interdisciplinary Intelligent Mechatronics Laboratory,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp 113-118, 1997.
  14. Chen, M, McGinnis, L, Zhou*, C, “Single-Loop-Dual-Rail Asynchronized Material Handling System Reliability Optimization,” Int. J. of Production Research, Vol. 37, No. 10, 2217-2237, 1999.
  15. Lin, Y. T., and Zhou*, C., “The Modeling and Analysis of Message Passing in Distributed Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Manufacturing and Cybernetics, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp 250-262, 1999.
  16. Du, X. H., and Zhou*, C. “Message-oriented Decomposition for Supervisory Control in Manufacturing System,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 15, no. 6, pp 441 – 452, 1999.