For information about travel to and accommodations at CHI 2023, visit:
At least one author for each submission will need to register for and attend the workshop in person. If you are planning for more than one author to attend the workshop, please email to let us know so we can ensure there is sufficient space for all attendees. Please note that the early registration deadline for CHI is next Monday, March 13. Information for registering for the workshop is included below.
Workshop/Symposium Participants – Registration Instructions
If you are not yet registered for CHI, CLICK THIS LINK:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the appropriate category button (Member or Non-Member) to begin your registration.
- Register – fill in all the required information needed for registration to attend CHI 2023.
- Proceed to the Optional Items page – select the workshop from the list and enter the invitation code at the bottom of the page (accepted participants should have received an invitation code via email).
- Continue through registration to complete by making a payment and clicking “Submit”. A confirmation email is automatically generated.
If you are adding a workshop or symposium to your existing registration, CLICK THIS LINK:
- Scroll toward the bottom and click on the “Already Registered” option. Do not begin a new registration if you are already registered for CHI 2023.
- Enter your email address and confirmation code – found in your confirmation email.
- Click “Login” to proceed, then select “Modify Registration” towards the bottom of the next page.
- Proceed through your registration (“Next” button until the Optional Items page) to add the desired workshop.
- Select your workshop/symposium from the list, enter your invitation code (accepted participants should have received an invitation code via email) and click “Next” at the bottom.
- Follow through to complete the addition by making a payment and clicking “Submit”.
If you are concerned about your ability to obtain funding for travel or registration for the conference, please fill out this form by March 13. We are in the process of obtaining funding to support the workshop and may in the near future be able to offer financial support to select participants.