Careers and Beers

Careers and Beers seminars are informal Q&A panels with professional microbiologists from various sectors. Please contact Brian Hammer if you have ideas for who to invite or what sector you’d like to see represented.

Past seminars

Spring 2023: Consulting

Matt Aldag: healthcare consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton

Georg Rieckh: data scientist in Whiteley lab at GT, formerly at Accenture

Fall 2022: Government

Ben Metcalf and Jon Gerhart: PhD candidates at GT with positions at CDC

Spring 2022: Biotech industry startup

Zach Abbot: CEO and cofounder of genetically engineered probiotics company ZBiotics

Fall 2021: Biotech industry corporate

Samit Watve: Principal Bioinformatics Scientist at Roche Diagnostics

Fall 2020: Academia, primarily undergraduate institution

Eryn Bernardy: Assistant Professor at Elon University

Spring 2020: Academia, research-intensive institution

Neha Garg: Assistant Professor at GT

Fall 2019: Science communication

Ben Brumfield: Senior Science Writer and Media Relations Representative at GT

Fall 2019: Government

Alison Laufer-Halpin: Associate Director, Office of Scientific Innovation and Integration