Carina Baskett
Cherry Emerson 305
Individual support
Carina Baskett is CMDI’s very own Head of Grant Writing and Trainee Development. Her primary role is to train and assist students and postdocs in writing grants and fellowships. But she also supports other forms of professional communication such as:
—paper writing
—conference presentations and posters
—job applications
If you’re not sure whether your project falls in her wheelhouse, just ask!
Annual regular workshops
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): from start of fall semester to deadline in late October
NIH F31 graduate fellowships and NIH F32 postdoc fellowships: for two months preceding the three annual deadlines (April 8, August 8, December 8)
Special workshops (1-2 hours)
Past: fellowship strategies, scientific presentations, paper writing (with Steve Diggle), conference posters (with Brian Hammer)
Please get in touch if there is a workshop you’d like to see!
The CMDI Dropbox has a fellowship spreadsheet, many examples of past submissions, and other communication resources. Just email me for access.
Group support
When people are interested, we can have CMDI Writing Buddies Groups (hybrid mode) for writing resources and connection with others. Once or twice a week, we meet for 60-90 minutes to briefly discuss what we’re working on, and then quietly get to work. It’s great for setting aside focused writing time and getting accountability.