Howard Hughes Medical Institute – Inclusive Excellence 3
“Inclusive Excellence Learning Community”
D. Collard – 11/2022-10/2027

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering,”
D. Collard – 8/2021-7/2025

University System of Georgia – STEM IV, “Early Immersion in Undergraduate Research”
D. Collard


Georgia Tech – Provost’s Excellence in Graduate Studies (PEGS)
“Leveraging Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Recruitment of Excellent Graduate Students”
D. Collard – 10/2023-6/2024

Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
“Beckman Scholars Program at Georgia Tech”
D. Collard – 5/2019-10/2022

Howard Hughes Medical Institute
“Inclusive Excellence Learning Community”
D. Collard – 4/2021-12/2022

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering,” [P200A120081]
D. Collard – 8/2019-7/2022

3M Foundation
“3M Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships”
D. Collard – 1/2011-12/2020

National Science Foundation – DUE – S-STEM
“Science and Math Research Training Scholarships”
J. Leavey, D. Collard, D. Goldman, M. Mons, J.C. Tyson – 8/2012-7/2018

National Science Foundation – DUE – TUES Type 3
“Collaborative Research: Chemistry Coalitions, Workshops and Communities of Scholars” [NSF 1022796]
J. Smith, D. Collard, L. Kaplan – 6/2011-5/2019

National Institutes of Health – BMBI
“Osseo-reparative, Integrin-specific materials”
A. Garcia, D. Collard – 8/2012-7/2017

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech”
C. Tyson, D. Collard – 8/2012-7/2015

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Molecular Biophysics and Biotechnology” [P200A120190]
D. Collard, C. Tyson

National Science Foundation – MPS – CHEM
“Research Experiences of Undergraduates in Chemistry and Biochemistry” [NSF 552722]
D. Collard, J.C. Tyson

National Science Foundation – DUE – S-STEM
“Biomolecular Engineering, Science
and Technology (“BEST”) Undergraduate Scholarships” [NSF 0849998]
D. Collard, J.C. Tyson – 5/2009-10/2013

National Science Foundation – DUE – TUES Type 1
“Threading Falvones Through the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory Curriculum” [NSF 1044034]
J.C. Morris, M. Peek, S. France, D.M. Collard, D. Jenson – 4/2011-3/2014

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech” [P200A090307]
D. Collard, C. Tyson – 8/2010-7/2013

National Science Foundation – MPS – CHEM
“Research Experiences of Undergraduates in Chemistry” [NSF 0851780]
D. Collard, J.C. Tyson – 6/2009-5/2013

National Institutes of Health – NIBIB
“Self-assembled Biomimetic Scaffolds” [R21 EB008069]
M. Weck, D. Collard, A. Garcia

Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
“Beckman Scholars Program”
D. Collard – 8/2008-7/2011

National Science Foundation – DUE – CCLI ND
“A Series of Workshops in the Chemical Sciences” [NSF 0618678]
J. Smith, D. Collard, L. Kaplan – 1/2007-12/2011

National Institutes of Health – BMBI
“Integrin-specific implant surfaces for bone repair” [NIH 5R01EB004496]
A. Garcia, D. Collard – 5/2005-12/2009

National Science Foundation – ENG – EPDT
“Exploring Charge Transport in Conjugated Organic Materials: A 2-D Oligomer Approach” [NSF ECCS 437925]
D. Collard – 1/2005-12/2008

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National
Need Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech”
D. Collard – 8/2003-8/2006

National Science Foundation – MPS – CHEM
Research Experiences of Undergraduates in Chemistry[NSF 552722]
D. Collard, J.C. Tyson – 4/2006-3/2009

National Science Foundation – MPS – DMR
“Polyphilic Fluoroalkyl-Substituted Polythiophenes” [NSF 347832]
D. Collard – 11/2003-10/2006

National Science Foundation – DUE – CCLI ND
“A Series of Workshops in the Chemical Sciences” [NSF 341138]
J. Smith, E. Breyer, D. Collard, L. Kaplan – 5/2004-4/2007

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need: An Interdisciplinary Program in Polymer Science and Engineering at
Georgia Tech” [P200A040171]
D. Collard – 4/2004-3/2007

National Institutes of Health
“Self-assembled Biomimetic Scaffolds” [R21 EB004589]
M. Weck, D. Collard, A. Garcia

Metro Atlanta PRISM Mini-Grant Program for University Faculty Program
“Enhancing Organic Introductory Organic Chemistry”
D. Collard, W. Baron – 9/2005-8/2007

National Science Foundation – MPS – CHEM
“Research Experiences of Undergraduates in Chemistry” [NSF 139123]
D. Collard, T. Moran – 4/2002-1/2004

National Institutes of Health – NIDA
“Preclinical Development of Drugs for Stimulant Abuse”
H. Deutsch, D. Collard et al.,

National Science Foundation – DUE – CCLI ND
“A Series of Workshops in the Chemical Sciences” [NSF 89417]
J. Smith, E. Breyer, D. Collard, L. Kaplan – 1/2001-12/2003

KoSa/Koch Industries
“Improved Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)”
D. Collard – 6/2000-12/2002

Whitaker Foundation
“Engineering of Surfaces of Well-Defined Chemistry to Control Integrin Binding and Osteoblast Differentiation”
A. Garcia, D. Collard – 5/2000-4/2003

U.S. Department of Education – GAANN
“Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech”
D. Collard – 8/2000-8/2003

National Science Foundation – Chemistry
“Research Experiences of Undergraduates in Chemistry” [9820252]
T. Moran, D. Collard

National Science Foundation – DUE
“Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Laboratory [9850991]
D. Collard, A. Wilkinson, K. Barefield, L. Bottomley – 7/1998-6/2001

National Science Foundation – DMR
“CAREER Award: Micro/Nano Fabrication of Conjugated Polymers” [9501716]
D. Collard – 6/1995-11/2000

“Improved Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)”
D. Collard, C. Liotta, C. Eckert – 7/1998-6/2000