Principle Investigator
Dr. Denis Tsygankov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University SOM
Georgia Tech BioEngineering Program Faculty
Georgia Tech BioInformatics Program Faculty
Cancer Cell Biology Research Program Member at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
Ph.D. Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Center for Nonlinear Sciences
M.S. & B.S. Applied Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1212
Email: denis.tsygankov (at) bme.gatech.edu
Graduate Students
William Pilcher
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Joint Georgia Tech & Emory University BME Ph.D. Program
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia
Research Interests: Computational Systems Biology and Image Analysis
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Masters Students
Linjun Su
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: AI-powered analysis of surgical efficiency
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Outreach Internship Students
Shachi Deo
Wheeler High School
Research Project: RNA-seq analysis of the neural crest cell transition to the migratory mode
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Arjun Dixit
Fulton Science Academy Private School
Research Project: Modeling cytokinetic ring constriction
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Undergraduate Students
Isaac Lecompte
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: The role of immunosenescence in aging
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Kseniia Suleimanova
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: The role of dynein in nucleus transmigration through constrictions
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Aaron Hung
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: Spatial organization of the microtubule-dynein system during actomyosin-suppressed cell migration
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Lingzi Tang
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: The predictive power of p16 as a biomarker of age-related physiological decline
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Abhiraj Gedela
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: E.coli detection and tracking with low-cost imaging technologies
Office: U.A. Whitaker Building, Room 1213
Lab Alumni
Anastasia Zhurikhina
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
B.S. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Research Interests: Biomechanics of Collective Cell Behavior
Jorik Stoop
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: Integrative modeling of dynein-powered cell migration
Saiyash Vishnubhatt
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: Development of GUI for identification and tracking of cells in DIC and phase-contrast images
Siarhei Hladyshau
School of Biology. Bioinformatics Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
M.S. Biotechnology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
B.S. Applied Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Research Interests: Computational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Asher Altman
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Project: The role of PYGO1 in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation
Dr. Olga Chernaya
Postdoc. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory
Ph.D. Physiology, University of Illinois at Chicago
B.S. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia
Research Interests: Understating intercellular communications during epithelial and endothelial morphogenesis and regeneration.
Yinghan Xu
M.S. BioEngineering. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech.
Research Project: Graphical User Interface for analysis of complex cell patterns
Farhan Rahman
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research Project: The role of noise-induced excitable dynamics of Rho GTPases in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton
Arjun Patel
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Inverse Voronoi problem in the cell cluster context
John Miles
Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
UG research project: Visualization of actin cytoskeleton for studying collective cell behavior
Matvey Murashko
B.S. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia.
Summer internship project: Developing RNA-seq analysis pipeline
Justin Cha
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Modeling biomechanics of cell clusters
Rajan Jayasankar
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Visualization of actin cytoskeleton for studying collective cell behavior
Sidi Zhao
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Graphical User Interface for analysis of complex cell patterns
Dae Eun “Danny” Park
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Biomechanical 3D model of endothelial cells
Kian Pourak
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Modeling adhesion dynamics in migrating cells
Brooke Trogdon
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Visualization of actin cytoskeleton for studying collective cell behavior
Argy Kosmakos
B.S. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory.
UG research project: Collective endothelial cell behavior during vasculogenesis