Tang L, Hladyshau S, Ross A, Nyrop KA, Entwistle A, Muss HB, Mitin N, Tsygankov D. The Role of p16Ink4a as an Early Predictor of Physiological Decline during Natural Aging. medRxiv [Preprint] (2024).
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Hladyshau S, Guan K, Nivedita N, Errede B, Tsygankov D*, Elston TC*. Multiscale Modeling of Bistability in the Yeast Polarity Circuit. Cells 13(16): 1358 (2024).
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Zhovmer AS, Manning A, Smith C, Nguyen A, Prince O, Sáez PJ, Ma X, Tsygankov D, Cartagena- Rivera AX, Singh NA, Singh RK, Tabdanov ED. Septins provide microenvironment sensing and cortical actomyosin partitioning in motile amoeboid T lymphocytes. Science Advances 10(1): eadi1788 (2024).
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Tagay Y, Kheirabadi S, Ataie Z, Singh R, Prince O, Nguyen A, Zhovmer AS, Ma X, Sheikhi A*, Tsygankov D*, Tabdanov ED*. Dynein-Powered Cell Locomotion Guides Metastasis of Breast Cancer. Advanced Science 10(31): e2302229 (2023).
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Hladyshau S, Stoop JP, Kamada K, Nie S, Tsygankov D. Spatiotemporal coordination of Rac1 and Cdc42 at the whole cell level during cell ruffling. Cells 12(12): 1638 (2023).
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Kho M, Hladyshau S, Tsygankov D, Nie S. Coordinated regulation of Cdc42ep1, actin, and septin filaments during neural crest cell migration. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11: 1106595 (2023).
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Fauser J, Brennan M, Tsygankov D, Karginov AV. Methods for assessment of membrane protrusion dynamics. New Methods and Sensors for Membrane and Cell Volume Research, edited by Irena Levitan. Current Topics in Membranes 88: Chapter 11 (2021).
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Hladyshau S, Kho M, Nie S, Tsygankov D. Spatiotemporal development of coexisting wave domains of Rho activity in the cell cortex. Scientific Reports 11: 19512 (2021).
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Marston DJ, Slattery S, Hahn KM, Tsygankov D. Correcting artifacts in ratiometric biosensor imaging; an improved approach for dividing noisy signals. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9: 685825 (2021).
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Errede B, Hladyshau S, Nivedita N, Tsygankov D, Elston TC. Bistability in the polarity circuit of yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell doi: 10.1091/mbc.E20-07-0445 (2021).
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Shaaya M, Fauser J, Zhurikhina A, Conage-Pough JE, Huyot V, Brennan M, Flower CT, Matsche J, Khan S, Natarajan V, Rehman J, Kota P, White FM, Tsygankov D, Karginov AV. Light-Regulated Allosteric Switch Enables Temporal and Subcellular Control of Enzyme Activity. eLife 9: e60647 (2020).
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Pilcher W, Yang X, Zhurikhina A, Chernaya O, Xu Y, Qiu P, Tsygankov D. Shape-to-graph Mapping Method for Efficient Characterization and Classification of Complex Geometries in Biological Images. PLoS Computational Biology 16(9): e1007758 (2020).
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O’Shaughnessy EC, Stone OJ, LaFosse PK, Azoitei ML, Tsygankov D, Heddleston JM, Legant WR, Wittchen ES, Burridge K, Elston TC, Betzig E, Chew T-L, Adalsteinsson D, Hahn KM. Software for Lattice Light-sheet Imaging of FRET Biosensors, Illustrated with a New Rap1 Biosensor. Journal of Cell Biology 218(9): 3153-3160 (2019).
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Moran KD, Kang H, Araujo AV, Zyla TR, Saito K, Tsygankov D, Lew DJ. Cell-cycle Control of Cell Polarity in Yeast. Journal of Cell Biology 218(1): 171-189 (2019).
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Chernaya O, Zhurikhina A, Hladyshau S, Pilcher W, Young KM, Ortner J, Andra V, Sulchek TA, Tsygankov D. Biomechanics of Endothelial Tubule Formation Differentially Modulated by Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Proteins. iScience 9: 347–358 (2018).
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Zhurikhina A, Qi T, Hahn KM, Elston TC, Tsygankov D. EdgeProps: A Computational Platform for Correlative Analysis of Cell Dynamics and Near-Edge Protein Activity. Methods in Molecular Biology 1821: 47–56 (2018).
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Lei H, Chiou J-G, Zhurikhina A, Zyla TR, Tsygankov D*, Lew DJ*. Temporal regulation of morphogenetic events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Biology of the Cell 29(17): 2069–2083 (2018).
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Zhao A, Tsygankov D, Qiu P. Graph-based extraction of shape features for leaf classification. 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) Montreal, QC: 663-666 (2017).
Lei W, Myers KR, Rui Y, Hladyshau S, Tsygankov D, Zheng JQ. Phosphoinositide-dependent enrichment of actin monomers in dendritic spines regulates synapse development and plasticity. Journal of Cell Biology 216(8): 2551-2564 (2017).
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Kang H, Tsygankov D, Lew DJ. Sensing a bud in the yeast morphogenesis checkpoint: a role for Elm1. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27(11): 1764-1775 (2016).
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Kapustina M, Tsygankov D, Zhao J, Wessler T, Yang X, Chen A, Roach N, Elston TC, Wang Q, Jacobson K, Forest MG. Modeling the Excess Cell Surface Stored in a Complex Morphology of Bleb-Like Protrusions. PLoS Computational Biology 12(3): e1004841 (2016).
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MacNevin CJ, Toutchkine A, Marston DJ, Hsu CW, Tsygankov D, Li L, Liu B, Qi T, Nguyen DV, Hahn KM. Ratiometric Imaging Using a Single Dye Enables Simultaneous Visualization of Rac1 and Cdc42 Activation. JACS 138(8): 2571-2575 (2016).
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Wu CF, Chiou JG, Minakova M, Woods B, Tsygankov D, Zyla TR, Savage NS, Elston TC, Lew DJ. Role of competition between polarity sites in establishing a unique front. eLife 4: e11611 (2015).
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Gentry LR, Nishimura A, Cox AD, Martin TD, Tsygankov D, Nishida M, Elston TC, Der CJ. Divergent Roles of CAAX Motif-signaled Posttranslational Modifications in the Regulation and Subcellular Localization of Ral GTPases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290(37): 22851-22861 (2015).
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Chu PH, Tsygankov D, Berginski ME, Dagliyan O, Gomez SM, Elston TC, Karginov AV, Hahn KM. Engineered kinase activation reveals unique morphodynamic phenotypes and associated trafficking for Src family isoforms. PNAS 111(34): 12420-12425 (2014).
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Tsygankov D, Chu PH, Chen H, Elston TC, Hahn KM. User-friendly tools for quantifying the dynamics of cellular morphology and intracellular protein clusters. Methods in Cell Biology 123: 409-427 (2014).
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Tsygankov D, Bilancia CG, Vitriol EA, Hahn KM, Peifer M, Elston TC. CellGeo: A computational platform for the analysis of shape changes in cells with complex geometries. Journal of Cell Biology 204(3): 443-460 (2014).
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Bilancia CG, Winkelman JD, Tsygankov D, Nowotarski SH, Sees JA, Comber K, Evans I, Lakhani V, Wood W, Elston TC, Kovar DR, Peifer M. Enabled negatively regulates diaphanous-driven actin dynamics in vitro and in vivo. Developmental Cell 28(4): 394-408 (2014).
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Karginov AV, Tsygankov D, Berginski M, Chu P-H, Trudeau ED, Yi JJ, Gomez G, Elston TC, Hahn KM. Dissecting motility signaling through activation of specific Src-effector complexes. Nature Chemical Biology 10(4): 286-290 (2014).
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Allen RJ, Tsygankov D, Zawistowski JS, Elston TC, Hahn KM. Automated line scan analysis to quantify biosensor activity at the cell edge. Methods 66(2): 162-167 (2014).
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Tsygankov D, Serohijos AW, Dokholyan NV, Elston TC. A physical model reveals the mechanochemistry responsible for dynein’s processive motion. Biophysical Journal 101(1): 144-150 (2011).
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Tsygankov D, Liu Y, Sanoff HK, Sharpless NE, Elston TC. A quantitative model for age-dependent expression of the p16INK4a tumor suppressor. PNAS 106(39): 16562-16567 (2009).
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Serohijos AWR, Tsygankov D, Liu S, Elston TC, Dokholyan NV. Multiscale approaches for studying energy transduction in dynein. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11(24): 4840-4850 (2009).
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Tsygankov D, Serohijos AW, Dokholyan NV, Elston TC. Kinetic models for the coordinated stepping of cytoplasmic dynein. Journal of Chemical Physics 130(2): 025101 (2009).
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Tsygankov D, Fisher ME. Kinetic models for mechanoenzymes: Structural aspects under large loads. Journal of Chemical Physics 128(1): 015102 (2008).
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Tsygankov D, Fisher ME. Mechanoenzymes under superstall and large assisting loads reveal structural features. PNAS 104(49): 19321–19326 (2007).
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Tsygankov D, Lindén M, Fisher ME. Back-stepping, hidden substeps, and conditional dwell times in molecular motors. Physical Review E 75: 021909 (2007).
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Tsygankov D, Wiesenfeld K. Weak-link synchronization. Physical Review E 73: 026222 (2006).
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Tsygankov D, Wiesenfeld K. Spontaneous formation of inert oscillator pairs. Physics Letters A 325: 51–56 (2004).
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Karelsky KV, Papkov VV, Petrosyan AS, Tsygankov. Particular solutions of shallow-water equations over a non-flat surface. Physics Letters A 271: 341–348 (2000).