ACC | Area Control Center |
ACC | Air Combat Command |
ACCEL | Acceleration Point |
ADA | Advisory Area |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone |
ADP | Additional Point: An additional point is a route point associated with a turn point typically used to provide auxiliary information about its turn point. |
ADRG | ARC Digitized Raster Graphic: a set of digitized maps (usually from scanned in paper charts) transformed into ARC system. |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
Equal Arc-Second Raster Chart/Map: The ARC system divides the surface of the earth ellipsoid into 9 latitudinal bands per hemisphere called zones. The (2) polar zones use the Azimuthal Equidistant projection. Each of the (16) non-polar zones use an Equirectangular projection with the standard parallel being the midpoint latitude for the zone. The ARC system is described in MIL-A-89007 (the ADRG specification) and is used by CADRG, ECRG, CIB and ECIB. In the Polar Azimuthal Equidistant projections used in the ARC system, all points on the map are at the correct azimuth (direction) and proportionally correct distance from the respective pole. Meridians (lines of longitude) are straight. Parallels (lines of latitude) are circles centered at the respective pole. In the Equirectangular projections used in the ARC system, meridians and parallels are straight lines of constant spacing, and meridians and parallels intersect at right angles. The projection distorts both area and angles, that is, it is neither equal area nor conformal. In each zone the image is stretched (on the poleward side of the midpoint latitude) and squashed (on the equatorward side of the midpoint latitude) in the East-West direction. When FalconView displays an Equal Arc map it uses the latitude at the center of the map as the standard parallel, rather than using ARC zone midpoint latitudes, so the line of least distortion is always in view. |
AZAR | Assault Zone Availability Report |
CADRG | Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics: a set of digitized maps and chart images derived from ADRG or other sources though subsampling, compression and reformatting. CADRG uses the ARC system like ADRG and the data is compressed at roughly 55:1 relative to ADRG. |
CARP | Computed Air Release Point |
CAS | Calibrated Airspeed |
CFPS | Combat Flight Planning Software |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read Only Memory |
CHUM | Chart Updating Manual was a semi-annual publication containing a complete list of published aeronautical charts and a list of known corrections, if any, to each chart. Many of these corrections consisted of Vertical Obstructions (VO) additions, deletions, changes or relocations. Note that each CHUM item is associated with a specific edition of a specific chart. |
CIB | Controlled Image Base: digital imagery that has been orthorectified and projected into the ARC system. CIB is grayscale (panchromatic) imagery and is commonly available at 10, 5 and 1 meter resolutions. |
CMF | Combat Mission Folder |
CMPS | AFMSS/SOFPARS Common Mapping Production System |
CMS | Common Mapping System: The CMS Phase II data (DTED). |
CONUS | Continental United States |
CTA | Control Area |
CTAF | Common Traffic Advisory Frequency |
CTLZ | Control Zone |
DAFIF | Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File: The DAFIF database is designed to contain flight information detailing Airports, Heliports, Navigational Aids, Airways (Air Traffic Service) Routes, Airspace Boundaries, Special Use Airspace, Refueling Routes, and Military Training Routes (MTR). DAFIF is produced by NGA. |
DMA | Defense Mapping Agency (incorporated into NGA) |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DNC | Digital Nautical Chart® |
DTED | Digital Terrain Elevation Data: a sampling of earth surface elevation values with respect to Mean Sea Level. The nominal sampling density for NGA Level 1 DTED is one sample every 3-arc-seconds in each direction (1 arc second is approximately 31 meters at the equator). The nominal sampling density for NGA Level 2 DTED is one sample every arc second in each direction. DTED has a nominal scale of 1:250 K. The DTED map category of FalconView consists of a rendered image based on elevation data. |
DVD | Digital Video Disk, or Digital Versatile Disk |
DZ | Drop Zone |
ECHUM | Electronic CHUM (ECHUM) contained the same information as CHUM but in digital format available for download and meant for automated parsing by software. ECHUM was replaced by OCF. |
ECIB | Enhanced Controlled Image Base: digital imagery that has been orthorectified and projected into the ARC system. ECIB imagery can be color (RGB) or panchromatic and is commonly available at 5, 1 and 0.5 meter resolutions. ECIB is compressed using JPEG 2000. |
ECRG | Enhanced Compressed Raster Graphics: a set of digitized maps and chart images derived from ADRG or other sources though filtering, compression and reformatting. ECRG uses the ARC system like ADRG. ECRG has a minimum resolution of 254 DPI, the resolution used by ADRG; however, ECRG is compressed using JPEG 2000. |
EDP | Earliest Descent Point |
EOD | Erasable-Optical Disk |
EP | Escape Point |
EZ | Extraction Zone |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FLD | Field |
FLIP | Flight Information Publications |
GARS | Global Area Reference System |
GeoTIFF | Geographic Tagged Image File Format |
GL | Green Light |
GNC | Global Navigation Chart: a 1:5 M chart available in CADRG and ECRG. |
GPS | Global Positioning System: A system which uses signals from four or more satellites to compute the geographic position, elevation, and velocity of the GPS receiver. |
Grid Map | A map which consists of a Lat-Long grid. The Grid map category consists of grid maps ranging in scale from world overview down to 1:1 K. |
GTRI | Georgia Tech Research Institute |
GUI | Graphics Users Interface |
HAE | Height Above Ellipsoid |
HAHO | High Altitude High Opening |
HALO | High Altitude Low Opening |
HARP | High Altitude Release Point |
HSLLADS | High Speed Low Level Air Delivery System |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Languag |
HVDE | High Velocity Drift Effect |
HW | Hardware |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICM | Image City Map |
ICWG | Interface Control Working Group |
ID | Identification |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
JMPS | Joint Mission Planning System |
JNC | Jet Navigation Chart: a 1:2 M chart available in CADRG and ECRG. |
JOG | Joint Operational Graphic: a 1:250 K available in CADRG and ECRG. |
LAPES | Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System |
Lat/Long | Latitude/Longitude |
LDP | Latest Descent Point |
LFC | Low Flying Chart: a 1:500 K available in CADRG and ECRG. |
LLEP | Low Level Exit Point |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MATZ | Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
MC | Magnetic Course |
MCG&I | Mapping, Charting, Geodesy & Imagery |
MFF | Military Free Fall |
MGRS | Military Grid Reference System |
MN | Magnetic North |
MPS | Mission Planning System |
MrSID | Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database is a file format compressed imagery and graphical data developed and patented by LizardTech. |
MSDC | Mariner Specified Deep Contour |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MSS | Mission Support System |
MSSC | Mariner Specified Shallow Contour |
MTR | Military Training Route |
NAVAID | Navigational Aid |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon |
NDB-DME | Non-Directional Beacon / Distance Measuring Equipment |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (formerly NIMA) |
NIMA | National Imagery and Mapping Agency (obsolete; now called NGA) |
NM | Nautical Miles |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association |
OAP | Offset Aim Point: an additional point which can be associated with any type of turn point. The symbol for an OAP is a cross-hair. |
OCA | Ocean Control Area |
OCF | Obstruction Change File (OCF) was the replacement for ECHUM; however, OCF production ended in July 2024. |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding |
ONC | Operational Navigation Chart: a 1:1 M chart available in CADRG and ECRG. |
OPG | Operational Planning Graphic |
PCMCIA | PC Memory Card International Association |
PCN | Pavement Classification Number |
PECP | Primary Entry Control Point |
PFPS | Portable Flight Planning Software |
PI | Point of Impact |
PPC | Performance Planning Card |
PPR | Prior Permission Required |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAMZ | Rigging Alternate Method Zodiac |
Raster Map | A digitized chart or satellite image. Products in the raster map category include TIROS, CADRG, ECRG, MrSID, GeoTIFF, CIB and ECIB. |
RCO | Remote Communication Outlet |
RFP | Radar Fix Point |
RL | Red Light |
RMC | Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data |
RP | Reference Point |
S/D | Start Descent |
SA | System Administrator |
SA | Situational Awareness |
SAM | Surface-to-Air Missile |
SATB | Standard Airdrop Training Bundle |
SCNS | Self Contained Navigation System |
SD | Slowdown Point |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SKE | Station Keeping Equipment |
SOF | Special Operations Forces |
SRA | Special Rules Area |
SSDC | Ship’s Safety Depth Contour |
STTO | Start, Taxi, TakeOff: The first turn point in a route. |
SUAS | Special Use Air Space |
SW | Software |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation |
TACNAV | Tactical Navigation |
TAFMAP | Tactical Air force Map |
TAS | True Airspeed |
TC | True Course |
TCA | Terminal Control Area |
TFADS-O | Table Formatted Aeronautical Data Set-Obstacles (TFADS-O) is an aeronautical vertical obstructions (VO) dataset produced by NGA. |
TFC | Transit Flying Chart: a 1:250 K chart available in CADRG and ECRG. |
TIROS | Television Infrared Observation Satellite: the TIROS maps are a set of small-scale maps derived from a composite image created from the TIROS-N satellite series. |
TLM | Topographic Line Map: a chart series available in CADRG and ECRG at various scales including 1:50 K and 1:100K. |
TN | True North |
TOLD | Take Off and Landing Data |
TOT | Time Over Target |
TP | Turn Point: A turn point is a route point which typically indicates a change in direction, but turn points are also used to indicate target locations, air refueling points, and other significant points along the route. |
TPC | Tactical Pilotage Chart: a 1:500 K chart available in CADRG and ECRG. |
UDZL | Usable Drop Zone Length |
UDZT | Usable Drop Zone Time |
UIR | Upper Flight Information |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
Vector Map | A map comprised of line segments representing islands, lakes, coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries. This data is derived from the micro WDBII data set. The Vector map category consists of vector maps ranging in scale from world overview down to 1:1M. |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VMap | Vector Smart Map |
VMap0 | Vector Smart Map Level 0 |
VMap1 | Vector Smart Map Level 1 |
VPF | Vector Product Format (VPF) is a standard format, structure, and organization for large geographic databases based on a geo-relational data model. MIL-STD-2407 is the Interface Standard for Vector Product format. Vector Smart Map, DNC and World Vector Shoreline are are all VPF datasets. |
VIP | Visual Initial Point: An additional point which can only be associated with a Target turn point. The symbol for a VIP is a diamond. |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VOD | Vertical Obstruction Data |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Range |
VOR-DME | VHF Omnidirectional Range/Distance Measuring Equipment |
VRP | Visual Reference Point: An additional point which can only be associated with a Target turn point. The symbol for a VRP is a small circle. |
VTG | Track Made Good/Ground Speed (data) |
VVOD | Vector Vertical Obstruction Data (VVOD) was a comprehensive vertical obstruction dataset like TFADS-O. VVOD production ended in December 2024 and TFADS-O is the recommended replacement. |
WAC | World Area Code |
WDBII | World Data Bank II: a worldwide data set produced by the CIA. WDBII represents islands, lakes, coastlines, rivers, national boundaries, state boundaries, roads, and railroads as arrays of geographic points. WDBII has a nominal scale of 1:3 M. The state boundaries are only complete for the United States. In addition, the road and railroad data is very incomplete. |
WMS | Web Map Service |
WMTS | Web Map Tile Service |
WVS | World Vector Shoreline |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
ZAR | Zone Availability Report |