About Georgia Tech Grad Pride

Our Mission

All LGBTQIA+ grads, post-docs, and allies are welcome at GT Grad Pride!

Grad Pride is a student organization run by LGBTQIA grads, post-docs, and allies at Georgia Tech. We host regular biweekly meetings, as well as planning social mixers, professional development activities, and outreach events. See our Events page for more details.

Our mission is five-fold:

  • To provide a social and academic support network for LGBTQIA+ graduate students and build community within the LGBTQIA+ and allied graduate population at Georgia Tech.
  • To promote LGBTQIA+ visibility within the Georgia Tech community, provide a platform for outreach and student advocacy, and help LGBTQIA+ students thrive.
  • To support the growth of LGBTQIA+ graduate students through social and professional development activities.
  • To integrate and build partnerships with the greater Atlanta LGBTQIA+ community and organizations.
  • To encourage the visibility and pursuit of queer futures for prospective and current LGBTQIA+ students at Georgia Tech

We are working together to make this group great for everyone, so if you have any questions or concerns, you can reach us through gradpride@gatech.edu.

Get Involved

Follow us on instagram @gtgradpride !

Subscribe to our newsletter!

To join our Discord server, find us on the GT Discord Hub, come to one of our events, or send an email to gradpride@gatech.edu (use your GT email)!