GT AWM is a student organization, chartered in 2020. Our membership is open to any undergraduate student at Georgia Tech, regardless of gender or major. You can find more about the national AWM here.
The purpose of the AWM is to:
- Encourage women and girls to study and have active careers in the mathematical sciences.
- Promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.
- Support undergraduate women in the math department at Georgia Tech academically, socially, and professionally by developing programming that encourages women to become anchored in their field and thus increasing the number of women in the mathematical sciences at the highest levels.
Events focus on professional development, career development, and community building.
President: Sarah Kline
VP: Katherine Paton-Smith
Events Coordinator: Nidhi Pai
Publicity: Hallie Byatt
Social Chair: Ekisha Basu