Crawler Team Spring 2017 Work

This semester, the Crawler Team was building upon the website structure created in past semesters for the humor genome project. The main goals for this semester was to get the application hosted live online while still working as it did previously locally. The team was able to effectively get the site online hosted with heroku at In addition to this, the site is able to accept new users for login/sign up functionality. The webapp is linked with the MongoDB database containing all of the jokes that have been collected. As a privileged user, you are able to rate jokes and edit them and their content in the database. The site now has a jokeID for every joke, which makes it easier to reference the jokes in the database and also has a more aesthetic layout. For the Georgia Tech hosted PWP site, the team updated all of the member pictures and fixed small bugs with the connection to Twitter. For the future, the team plans to provide documentation for the heroku site, expand the web app to get a larger data sample size, use the site for analytics, and also get more activity on the social media and blog sites.

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