Machine Learning Maestros

Georgia Tech’s experts and larger research community are invested in a future where artificial intelligence (AI) solutions can benefit individuals and communities across our planet. Meet the machine learning maestros among Georgia Tech’s faculty at the International Conference on Machine Learning — July 23-29, 2023, in Honolulu — and learn about their work. The faculty in the main program are working with partners across many domains and industries to help invent powerful new ways for technology to benefit all our futures.🌎

Learn more about Georgia Tech’s AI investments through the institute’s Machine Learning Center.

B. Aditya Prakash

Associate Professor
Computational Science and Engineering

Yao Xie

Industrial and Systems Engineering

James Hays

Associate Professor
Interactive Computing

Devi Parikh

Associate Professor
Interactive Computing

Zsolt Kira

Assistant Professor
Interactive Computing

Chao Zhang

Assistant Professor
Computational Science and Engineering

Pan Li

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Eva Dyer

Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering

Dhruv Batra

Associate Professor
Interactive Computing

Judy Hoffman

Assistant Professor
Interactive Computing

Moinuddin Qureshi

Computer Science

Xiaoming Huo

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Evangelos Theodorou

Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering

Bo Dai

Assistant Professor
Computational Science and Engineering

Florian Schäfer

Assistant Professor
Computational Science and Engineering

Yongxin Chen

Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering

Rosa Arriaga

Associate Professor
Interactive Computing

Yingyan (Celine) Lin

Associate Professor
Computer Science

Wenjing Liao

Assistant Professor

Tuo Zhao

Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering

Juba Ziani

Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering

Web and Project Lead: Joshua Preston,