Welcome! Assistant Professor Fan Zhang joined the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering on July 1 as a member of the nuclear and radiological engineering program. Before coming, she worked as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), where she got her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and a concurrent M.S. degree in Statistics. She joined Georgia Tech as a faculty member to stay in academia and contribute to science and technology within one of the best NRE programs and a fantastic and inclusive campus. Her research focuses on instrumentation and control (I&C), which includes online monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics, cybersecurity, autonomous control, and advanced sensing technology. She is designing and building two test beds in the iFAN lab, where one is an experimental flow loop with industrial network architecture and the other is a hardware-in-the-loop advanced full scope simulation test bed.
Faculty Spotlight: Fan Zhang