Congratulations! Dr. Fan Zhang has been selected as one of the new Cybersecurity Fellows who will help grow the College of Engineering’s work in high-impact cyber-physical systems security (CPSS). The three-year fellowship will help Dr. Zhang and the lab in developing an advanced manufacturing cybersecurity thrust in the Woodruff school.
Author: syoo303
Stephen Yoo Receives Presidential Fellowship Award
Congratulations to Stephen Yoo, a Graduate Research Assistant within the iFAN lab, for receiving the Presidential Fellowship Award! He is pictured here attending the Prestigious Fellowship Award Winners Welcome Event. This event was an opportunity to meet other fellowship award winners and their advisors in a casual setting. Way to go Stephen!
Mr. Brad Adams visits iFAN lab
Bradley (Brad) J. Adams, vice president of technical compliance at Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, affiliated to Southern Nuclear, visited iFAN lab and had a meeting session with the students. The lab proudly introduced the current research in progress, including the hardware-in-the-loop simulator and the flow loop. Brad introduced the importance of cybersecurity to newly constructed plants and shared his experience of being in the industry. This visit was a great academia-industry interaction and gave the lab valuable experience.
ME and ANS Georgia Section co-hosted Colloquium
Dr. Zhang had the honor of hosting Mr. Brad Adams, Vice President of Technical Compliance at Southern Nuclear’s Vogtle Units 3&4, for a jointly-hosted Georgia Tech ME and ANS-GA Section Colloquium at the GTMI auditorium on September 14. More than 50 attendees including faculty, and industry professionals, and Georgia Tech students joined the talk and discussion. Mr. Adams talked about the digitalization of the light water reactors (LWRs) and the current agendas focused in newly constructed plants, including the cybersecurity needs for the 17,000 critical digital assets.
Tanya Sharma awarded as FS-ISAC 2022 Women in Cyber Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to Tanya Sharma, a Graduate Research Assistant within the iFAN Lab, for being awarded the FS-ISAC 2022 Women in Cyber Scholarship! FS-ISAC’s Women in Cyber Scholarship is earned by rising young women pursuing cybersecurity careers in financial services. The winners receive a $10,000 USD scholarship, mentorship directly from an industry expert, and free attendance, travel, and accommodations to an FS-ISAC Summit or event. The Scholarship has been awarded to 24 women out of all the candidates applying from across the United States, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Great job Tanya!