Dr. Zhang Named Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow

Dr. Zhang has been named a Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow by the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech. The fellowship recognizes her commitment to innovative, evidence-based teaching practices. Dr. Zhang will have the opportunity to earn a “Reflective Teacher” badge by applying evidence-based teaching practices and submitting documentation and reflections. Additionally, she will receive $1000 in funding to support the development of a small project or to acquire other teaching-related resources. Congratulation, Dr. Zhang!

Further Detail: Link

iFAN members elected to professional division positions of American Nuclear Society (ANS)

We are pleased to announce the recent news from ANS, which highlights notable achievements of our members. Dr. Zhang has been elected as the Secretary of the HFICD (Human Factors Instrumentation & Controls Division) and will also serve on the Executive Committee for RRSD (The Robotics and Remote Systems Division). These positions recognizes Dr. Zhang’s significant contributions and leadership in the field of Instrumentation & control, cybersecurity, and robotics. Additionally, we extend our congratulations to Youndo, who has been elected as the Student Representative on the Executive Committee for RRSD. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Zhang and Youndo on their well-deserved achievements. Their new roles are a testament to their dedication to research and professional society, and we wish them continued success in their respective positions.

Successful Launch of the Nuclear and AI Outreach and K12 Education Workshop

On July 9th, we had the pleasure of hosting the Nuclear and AI Outreach and K12 Education Workshop. The event showcased the great work of Ms. Marchan Jackson, who presented an educational module aimed at middle school students (grades 6-8). This innovative module, designed to introduce young learners to the field of nuclear engineering, will be available on Canvas and has the potential to be adopted by numerous other schools, nurturing future generations of engineers and nuclear specialists.

The workshop also featured a series of insightful presentations from our esteemed colleagues, each highlighting their cutting-edge research in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, and nuclear technology. Sungmin Kim and Youndo Do shared the overview robotics project and demonstrated quadruped simulation in our digital twin. Stephen Yoo discussed the intricacies of Molten Salt Reactors (MSR), offering a comprehensive overview of this promising nuclear technology. The event underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the pivotal role of education in shaping the future of technology and engineering. The enthusiastic participation and engagement of all attendees made the workshop a truly memorable and impactful experience.

We look forward to continuing our efforts in educational outreach and fostering a deeper understanding of nuclear engineering and advanced technologies among young students.

Dr. Zhang at ANS Annual meeting

At the recent American Nuclear Society (ANS) Annual Meeting, a thought-provoking robotics panel was organized and led by Dr. Zhang. The event brought together experts from both academia and industry to delve into the opportunities and challenges of applying robotics in nuclear power plants.

The panel featured distinguished speakers, including Daniel Moneghan, Young Soo Park, Joshua Guzman Bell, PE, MBA, and was moderated by the esteemed Forrest Shriver. Their collective insights spurred a lively and insightful discussion, highlighting both the potential benefits and the technical hurdles of integrating robotics into nuclear facilities.

The panel addressed a range of topics, from the enhancement of safety and efficiency through robotic intervention to the complexities of deploying advanced technology in highly regulated environments. The discussion underscored the critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing this field, bridging the gap between innovative research and practical application.

Acknowledgments were extended to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for its crucial funding support, which has been instrumental in advancing the research presented. The ANS Robotics and Remote Systems Division (RRSD) also received heartfelt thanks for sponsoring the panel, contributing to the success and visibility of this important discourse.

iFAN Lab in NPIC&HMIT 2023 Conference

iFAN Lab members, Dr. Fan Zhang, Sungmin Kim, and Stephen Yoo, participated and showed the great work of the lab in the NPIC&HMIT 2023 conference held in Knoxville, Tennessee. As session chair of two technical sessions and two panel discussions, Dr. Zhang actively lead the idea sharing on cyber security for LWRs and advanced reactors and risk-informed cyber security. Sungmin presented his work in cyber-attack detection and distinguish system for nuclear power plants, and participated in the student research lighting round presenting robot assisted online monitoring framework for nuclear power plants. Stephen presented his work of resilience strategy against false data injection attacks targeting nuclear power plants. The lab members were able to gain valuable feedbacks and experience throughout the conference. Way to go, iFAN Lab!