Category Archives: Uncategorized

iFAN members elected to professional division positions of American Nuclear Society (ANS)

We are pleased to announce the recent news from ANS, which highlights notable achievements of our members. Dr. Zhang has been elected as the Secretary of the HFICD (Human Factors Instrumentation & Controls Division) and will also serve on the Executive Committee for RRSD (The Robotics and Remote Systems Division). These positions recognizes Dr. Zhang’s […]

Successful Launch of the Nuclear and AI Outreach and K12 Education Workshop

On July 9th, we had the pleasure of hosting the Nuclear and AI Outreach and K12 Education Workshop. The event showcased the great work of Ms. Marchan Jackson, who presented an educational module aimed at middle school students (grades 6-8). This innovative module, designed to introduce young learners to the field of nuclear engineering, will […]

Mr. Brad Adams visits iFAN lab

Bradley (Brad) J. Adams, vice president of technical compliance at Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, affiliated to Southern Nuclear, visited iFAN lab and had a meeting session with the students. The lab proudly introduced the current research in progress, including the hardware-in-the-loop simulator and the flow loop. Brad introduced the importance of cybersecurity to […]

ME and ANS Georgia Section co-hosted Colloquium

Dr. Zhang had the honor of hosting Mr. Brad Adams, Vice President of Technical Compliance at Southern Nuclear’s Vogtle Units 3&4, for a jointly-hosted Georgia Tech ME and ANS-GA Section Colloquium at the GTMI auditorium on September 14. More than 50 attendees including faculty, and industry professionals, and Georgia Tech students joined the talk and […]

Dr. Fan Zhang Receives DOE-NE Distinguished Early Career Award

Congratulations! Dr. Fan Zhang, assistant professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the lab director of the iFAN lab, has been awarded a Distinguished Early Career Award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE). Her awards of $625,000 over five years will provide support for her […]