Email: fan.zhang@me.gatech.edu
Dr. Fan Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. She directs Intelligence for Advanced Nuclear (iFAN) Lab to perform industrial control system cybersecurity, predictive maintenance, autonomous control, robotics, and machine learning research. She is the recipient of the 2021 Ted Quinn Early Career Award from the American Nuclear Society for her contribution in instrumentation and control (I&C), and cybersecurity. She is the awardee of the 2022 inaugural DOE NE Distinguished Early Career Program on her project “Robot-assisted Online Monitoring, Online Maintenance, and Dynamic Risk Assessment for LWRs and Advanced Reactors”.
She has been invited by IAEA as a cybersecurity expert to agency mission (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), consult/technical meetings (IAEA headquarter, Vienna; KAERI, South Korea; Tsinghua University, China; Bruce Power, Canada) and NucSecCyber Webinars. Her patent-pending technology is licensed to a startup company which is developing localized cyber-attack detection devices, sponsored by the DOE.