AQ ATL23 Symposium:
“Urban Air Quality in the Age of Climate Change”
An interactive event that connects researchers, public leaders and community advocates to work together to advance urban air quality for improved health
May 11-12, 2023
John Lewis Student Center, Georgia Institute of Technology
Our Mission:
Envision a world where all people have the power to use science-informed knowledge to improve human and environmental health in their communities. This symposium will advance this goal by discussing urban air quality and its consequences on human health, equity, and environment via translational, problem-oriented interactions. Scientists, public leaders and community advocates will come together to exchange ideas how integrated air quality knowledge can drive informed decisions and collective actions from leaders to individual members of the public to improve urban living in the future.
The Symposium
The Georgia Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Health and Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) Program invites you to participate in its inaugural symposium “Urban Air Quality in the Age of Climate Change” to be held on May 11-12, 2023 at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.
We welcome you to our interactive event to connect researchers, public leaders, and community advocates in the field of urban air quality. This event will feature skill-building workshops around public engagement and problem solving, and contributed talks from diverse members of the local scientific community, displays from local organizations, and keynotes and a panel discussion from experts in the field.
Topics will include:
Air Pollution and Human Health
Urban Air Quality & Climate Change
Forest Preservation and Urban Green Spaces
Behavioral Science with Air Quality Knowledge
Policy-Making For Improving Urban Air Quality
Symposium Highlights:
A diversity of invited speakers and instructors for:
Keynote Talks, Workshops, Panel Discussion, and Contributed Talks
This event is sponsored by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Symposium Organizers
The AQ ATL23 Symposium is organized by a cohort of graduate students at Georgia Tech as part of the Interdisciplinary Health and Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) program who are advised by a team of GT faculty across College of Sciences, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and College of Engineering.
Symposium Chairs:
Adam Krueger, Jelly Vanderwoude, Stephanie Bilodeau
Scientific Committee:
Aaron Pfennig, Alessandra Luna, Elise Li Zheng, Emtiaz Hossain Hritan, Michael Biehler, Nidhi Desai, Victor Brandao, Sonja Brankovic.
Read more about all committee members here. For any questions about the AQ ATL23 symposium, please contact: Aq_atl_2023 (@)
For any questions about AQ ATL23, please contact
Aq_atl_2023 (@)