Joshua Kretchmer
Principal Investigator
Joshua Kretchmer was born in San Jose, Costa Rica and grew up in Mill Valley, CA. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from UC Berkeley in 2009 and his Ph.D. as an NSF graduate research fellow from Caltech in December 2014 under the mentorship of Prof. Thomas Miller. He left Caltech for Princeton to join the group of Garnet Chan as a post-doctoral scholar. After the Chan group relocated to Caltech, he returned to finish his postdoc there. He joined the faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2019.

Yi-Siang Wang
Post-doctoral Scholar
Yi-Siang got his Ph.D. from the Institute of Applied Mechanics in National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2017 under the guidance of Prof. Sheng-Der Chao. His research focus was on intermolecular interactions and classical molecular dynamics. After graduation, he joined Prof. Oleg Prezhdo’s team at USC as a post-doc and worked on non-adiabatic molecular dynamics and surface hopping methods. In 2020 he worked with Prof. Chao-Ping Hsu on the calculation of off-diagonal spectral densities. Following the theme of simulating the dynamics of photoactive materials, he joined Prof. Joshua Kretchmer’s group at the beginning of 2022. He is currently working on the construction of machine-learned Hamiltonians for electron dynamics and on the direct simulation of intermolecular Auger processes following core excitations.

Ziying Cao
Graduate Student
Ziying received his bachelor’s degree from Peking University, China. His current research involves developing new techniques to simulate the quantized light – matter interaction in the areas of chemistry and materials science.

James Zhong
Graduate Student
James received his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2018. His current research is on the study of intermolecular Auger processes in complex systems such as homo- and hetero-dimers, hydrogen-bonded systems, and biomolecules. He is co-advised by Dr. Orlando and Dr. Kretchmer and so uses both experimental and theoretical methods in his research.

Jordan Hale
Graduate Student
Jordan received his bachelor’s of science degree in Chemistry from the University of South Florida – Tampa (2021). He has interests in condensed matter physics and properties of exotic quantum materials. His current research is applying classically isomorphic methods to perovskite systems to understand their charge-transport mechanisms.

Victor Suarez
Graduate Student
Victor received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Florida in 2021. His current research interests are in describing electron-transfer in condensed phase systems using path-integral methods.

Mikhayla Clothier
Graduate Student
Mikhayla received her bachelors’ degrees in chemistry and mathematics from Erskine College in 2022. She currently works in developing real-time extensions to static electronic structure methods for the calculation of non-equilibrium electron and spin dynamics.

Matthew Rohan
Undergraduate Student
Matthew was born in Colorado and is currently studying chemistry at Georgia Tech. He is involved in modeling interatomic electron decay pathways using real-time electronic structure methods.

Samhitha Venkat
Undergraduate Student
Samhitha is a Chemical Engineering undergraduate major at Georgia Tech with an interest in theoretical chemistry. She is currently working on calculations for charge transfer in small dimer systems. She is learning real-time DFT to model electron relaxation after an inner valence ionization.
Former Members:
Dariia Yehorova – Graduate Student 2020-2023
Currently: Graduate Student
GA Tech, Kamerlin Group
Yang Hong – Postdoc 2020-2021
Currently: Senior Computational Scientist
ITaP Research Computing, Purdue University
Akash Ram – REU Undergraduate Summer 2021
Currently: Graduate Student
UC Santa Barbara
Kevin Adams – Undergraduate Student 2020-2021
Currently: Graduate Student
UC Santa Barbara, Peters Group