MS-GIST Students + Future Students @ GaTech

To apply or read through the FAQs (we recommend reading these), first, visit this site.

Recent Capstone StoryMaps (2024): (those listed are available to the public)

Claire Breeden Assessing Neighborhood Contexts of LIHTC Properties: Analyzing Affordability, Diversity
and Accessibility in the Atlanta Metro Area

Mahak Gupta Exploring Urban Connectivity: Evaluation of Public Transport Accessibility and Green
Spaces in San Francisco, California

Yirui Hu How Transfer Location Impact Public Transit Accessibility? Case Study of San Francisco
Muni Metro Station

Nabeeha Jamil Analyzing the Association Between Food Accessibility and Obesity Rates in Louisiana
Vivian Lin Using Remote Sensing to Detect Major Land Use Transitions and Urbanization Trends in
Metro Atlanta from 2013 to 2022

Helena Lindsay Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Transport Systems through Performance Analysis
Using GIS

Geyu Lyu Association between Green Space Exposure and Coronary Heart Disease in the U.S.

Recent Capstone StoryMaps (2023):

Laura Villaquiran Digging For Gold – Investigating the Link Between Mining and Deforestation in the Brazilian Legal Amazon
Siddharth Sivakumar Railroad Transmission – Rail Corridors as Opportunities for Transmission Expansion: A Comparative Analysis
Hernando Gomez Renewable Power Generation Suitability Analysis in the U.S.
Sumbla Khan Mapping Urban Water Demand Patterns in Atlanta – A Multi-Criteria Analysis using AHP
David Moss Redefining the Food Desert – A Study of Grocery Store Accessibility within Metro Atlanta
Peter Whitehouse A Suitability Analysis for Public Electric Vehicle Charging

A featured Capstone Project (Dec 2023) PropelATL: The Places in Atlanta that Could Benefit Most From an Easy, Lifesaving Signal Fix


Students take 34 credits over a calendar year. This typically breaks down to 14 (fall), 14 (spring), 6 (summer).
Fall Required Classes (jump to OSCAR)
CP 6581 GIS Programming (3 credits)
CP 6025 Statistical Analysis (4 credits)
CP 6591 Professional Seminar (1 credit)
+ 1 GIS Elective (e.g., CP 8853 Climate Change Analytics, CP 6112 Introduction to Land Use, CP 8883-SG Introduction to Urban Analytics, etc., CP 6542 Transport & GIS).
+ 1 Open Elective (a course at the graduate level).

Spring Required Classes (jump to OSCAR)
CP 6521 Advanced GIS (3 credits)
CP 6531 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 credits)
CP 6006 Visualization (1 credit)
CP 6591 Capstone Preparation (1 credit)
+ 1 GIS Elective (e.g., CP 6570 Socioeconomic GIS, CP 6541 Environmental GIS, etc.).
+ 1 Open Elective (a course at the graduate level–can be Socioeconomic GIS, Environmental GIS, or any GT Grad Course).

Summer Required Classes (jump to OSCAR)
CP 6595 GIS Database Design and Management (3 credits)
CP 6596 Capstone (3 credit)

Students who are admitted into the 12-month MS-GIST program (as a single degree student) are waived from Introduction to GIS [CP 4510/6514] (*except in rare circumstances if the student has never taken any GIS course). That said, students are allowed to take Introduction to GIS if they would like a refresher. Note that being ‘waived’ from a course does not mean you pre-earn 3 credits towards a degree. It just means you do not need to take this as a requirement.

MS-GIST Class of 2023!

Graduation 2023!

Key MS-GIST Program Materials:

2023 Program of Study (fillable) (Aug 2023). Please fill this out and email it to Clio by Nov 1.
or use this link: 2023 Program of Study (fillable) (right click and open in incognito/private mode).

2023 MS-GIST Student Handbook (Aug 2023)

2023 MSGIST Orientation Slides (Aug 2023)

Some Favorite GIS Resources:

GIS&T Body of Knowledge (this is like a GIS encyclopedia!)

GIS Job Map (this website shares GIS job postings on a map.)

GIS Reddit (it’s reddit so no endorsements, but here it is.)

QGIS Tutorials (these are awesome!)

Other materials (past)

Header image source.