
Parts of Books

  1. Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2005. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Chapter 17 of a volume on Simulation: Selecting the Best System, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 501-534
  2. Kim, S.-H. Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Statistical Ranking and Selection, NY:Springer, in press

Published or Accepted Papers (Selected)

  1. Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. Selection of the Best in the Presence of Subjective Stochastic Constraints, ACM TOMACS, accepted.
  2. Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and C. Park. 2024. Pruning Inferior Systems Using Subjective Constraints with Sequentially Added Thresholds, Sequential Analysis, accepted.
  3. He, J., S.-I. Hong and S.-H. Kim. Spatiotemporal Planning for Block Assembly in Shipbuilding, Journal of Scheduling, accepted.
  4. Gong, T., D. Liu, H. Kim, S.-H. Kim, T. Kim, D. Lee, and Y. Xie. Distribution-free Image Monitoring with Application to Battery Coating Process, IISE Transactions, accepted.
  5. Liu, D., H. Kim, S.-H. Kim, T. Kim, D. Lee, and Y. Xie. 2023. Distribution-Free Multivariate Time-Series Monitoring with Analytically Determined Control Limits, International Journal of Production Research, 61(2):6960-6977.
  6. Chen, J., M.M. Aral, S.-H. Kim, C. Park, and Y. Xie. 2023. Constrained Bayesian Optimization and Spatio-Temporal Surveillance for Sensor Network Design in the Presence of Measurement Errors, Engineering Optimization, 55(3):510-525.
  7. Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2022. Finding Feasible Systems for Subjective Constraints Using Recycled Observations, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(6):2867-3350.
  8. Han, J., S.-H. Kim, and C. Park. 2021. Improved Penalty Function with Memory for Stochastically Constrained Optimization via Simulation, ACM TOMACS, 31(4): Article No. 24.
  9. Dieker, A. B. and S.-H. Kim. Efficient Fully Sequential Indifference-Zone Procedures Using Properties of Multidimensional Brownian Motion Exiting a Sphere.
  10. Chen, J., S.-H. Kim, and Y. Xie. 2020. S3T: A Score Statistic for Sptio-Temporal Change-Point Detection, Sequential Analysis, 39(4):563-592.
  11. Park, Y., S. H. Baek, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2020. Modified Batch Mean Charts for Network Intrusion Detection, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice, 27(1):88-109.
  12. Chen, J., S.-H. Kim, C. Park, and Y. Xie. 2019. To Reduce or Not To Reduce: A Study on Spatiotemporal Surveillance, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26(3):217 – 238.
  13. Kim, S.-H., J.J. Park, M.M. Aral, Y. Eun, and C. Park. 2017. Impact of Sensor Measurement Errors on Sensor Positioning in Water Quality Monitoring Networks, Stochastic Environmental Research, and Risk Assessment, 31(3):743 – 756.
  14. Lee, M., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Robust Distribution-Free Multivariate CUSUM Charts for Spatiotemporal Biosurveillance in the Presence of Spatial Correlation, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(2):74 – 88.
  15. Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Minimal Switching Procedures for Constrained Ranking and Selection under Independent and Common Random Numbers, IIE Transactions, 47(11):1170 – 1184.
  16. Park, C., and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Penalty Function with Memory for Discrete Optimization via Simulation with Stochastic Constraints, Operations Research, 63(5):1195 – 1212.
  17. Wang, H., S.-H. Kim, Y. Hur, and J. R. Wilson. 2015. Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles Adaptively with a Wavelet-Based Distribution-Free CUSUM Chart, International Journal of Production Research, 53(15):4648 – 4667.
  18. Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2014. Selection Procedures for Simulations with Multiple Constraints
    under Independent and Correlated Sampling, ACM TOMACS, 24(3): Article No. 14.
  19. Kim, S.-H. 2014. A Distribution-Free CUSUM Chart for Monitoring Variability of Autocorrelated Processes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 31(6):934 – 934.
  20. Park, C., S.-H. Kim, I.T. Telci, and M.M. Aral. 2014. Designing Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Network for River Systems Using Constrained Discrete Optimization via Simulation, Engineering Optimization, 46(1):107 – 129.
  21. Park, Y., S. H. Baek, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2014. Statistical Process Control Based Intrusion Detection and Monitoring, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30(2):257 – 273.
  22. Lee, M., D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2013. Spatiotemporal Biosurveillance with Spatial Clusters: Control Limit Approximation and Impact of Spatial Correlation, IIE Transactions, 46(8):813 – 827.
  23. Wang, H and S.-H. Kim. 2013. Reducing the Conservativeness of Fully Sequential Indifference-Zone Procedures, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(6):1613 – 1619. Online Supplement
  24. Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2013. Efficient Comparison of Constrained Systems using Dormancy, European Journal of Operations Research, 224(2):340-352
  25. Lee, J. J., S.-H. Kim, Y. Lee, and J. R. Wilson. 2012. Monitoring nonlinear profiles using a wavelet-based distribution-free CUSUM chart, International Journal of Production Research, 50(20):6574 – 6594
  26. Park, C., P.-K. Park, P. Mane, H. Hyung, V. Gandhi, S.-H. Kim, J.-H. Kim. 2010. Stochastic Cost Estimation Approach for Full-Scale Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants, Journal of Membrane Science, 364:52-64
  27. Andradottir, S. and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Fully Sequential Procedures for Comparing Constrained Systems via Simulation, Naval Research Logistics, 57(5):403-421
    KUHN Award Winning Paper – “the most highly cited paper (measured in citations per year) published in Naval Research Logistics during the 2010-2012 time period.”
  28. Batur, D, and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Finding Feasible Systems in the Presence of Constraints on Multiple Performance Measures, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 20(3): Article No. 13
  29. Healey, C., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2009. Ranking and Selection Techniques with Overlapping Variance Estimators, Sequential Analysis, 28(4):459-474
  30. Lee, J, C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2009. Monitoring Autocorrelated Processes Using a Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart with Automated Variance Estimation, IIE Transactions, 41(11):979-994
  31. Batur, D., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2009. An Improved Standardized Time Series Durbin-Watson Variance Estimator for Steady-State Simulation, Operations Research Letters, 37(4):285-289
  32. Kim, S.-H., C. Alexopoulos, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2007. A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart for Autocorrelated Data , IIE Transactions, 39:317-330
    Online Supplement to “A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart for Autocorrelated Data” , 2006
    One of the 10 most-cited articles published in Year 2005 – 2009 in IIE Transactions (cited by Taylor & Francis in 2010)
  33. Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2006. On the Asymptotic Validity of Fully Sequential Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation, Operations Research, 54:475-488
  34. Goldsman, D., K. Kang, S.-H. Kim, A. F. Seila, and G. Tokol. 2005. Combining Standardized Time Series Area and Cramer-von Mises Variance Estimators, Naval Research Logistics, 54:384-396
  35. Batur, D., and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Fully Sequential Selection Procedures with Parabolic Boundary, IIE Transactions, 38:749-764
  36. Kim, S.-H. and J. R. Wilson. 2005. A Discussion on ‘Detection of Intrusions in Information Systems by Sequential Change-Point Methods’ by Tartakovsky et al., Statistical Methodology, 3:315–319
  37. Kim, S.-H., B. L. Nelson, and J. R. Wilson. 2005. Some Almost-Sure Convergence Properties Useful in Sequential Analysis, Sequential Analysis, 24(4):411-419
  38. Kim, S.-H. 2005. Comparison with a Standard via Fully Sequential Procedure, ACM TOMACS, 15(2):155-174
  39. Boesel, J., B. L. Nelson, and S.-H. Kim. 2003. Using Ranking and Selection to “Clean Up” After Simulation Optimization, Operations Research, 51:814-825
    INFORMS Simulation Society Outstanding Simulation Publication Award winning paper
  40. Chang, W., S.-H. Kim, and B. Vidakovic. 2003. Wavelet-Based Estimation of a Discriminant Function, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 19:185-198
  41. Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, W. Marshall, and B. L. Nelson. 2002. Ranking and Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation: Procedures and Perspectives, Informs Journal on Computing, 14:2-19
  42. Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2001. A Fully Sequential Procedure for Indifference-Zone Selection in Simulation, ACM TOMACS, 11:251-273

Submitted Papers

  1. Kim, T., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and Y. Zhou. Finding Feasible Systems in the Presence of a Probability Constraint, submitted.
  2. Wang, Y., S.-H. Kim, and E. Zhou. Selection of the Best System with an Optimized Continuous Variable, submitted.
  3. Park, C., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and Y. Zhou. Finding Feasible Systems for a Stochastic Constraint with Relaxed Tolerance Levels, submitted.

Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings (Selected)

  1. Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2020. Identifying the Best System in the Presence of Stochastic Constraints with Varying Thresholds, Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, 2012-2820.
  2. He, J., and S.-H. Kim. 2019. A New Reward Function For Bayesian Feasibility Determination, Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference.
  3. Wang, Y., D. Kim, S.-H. Kim and H. Lee. 2017. Designing Highway Access Control System Using Multi-Class M/G/C/C State Dependent Queueing Models and Cross-Entropy Method. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference.
  4. Dieker, A. T., and S.-H. Kim. 2014. A Fully Sequential Procedure for Known and Equal Variances Based on Multivariate Brownian Motion, Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 3749 – 3760
  5. Dieker, A. T., and S.-H. Kim. 2012. Selecting the Best by Comparing Simulated Systems in a Group of Three When Variances are Known and Unequal, Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, 1-7
  6. Park. C and S.-H. Kim. 2011. Handling Stochastic Constraints in Discrete Optimization via Simulation, Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, 4217-4226
  7. Kim, S.-H., and A. T. Dieker. 2011. Selecting the Best by Comparing Simulated Systems in a Group of Three, Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, 3992-4002
  8. Park, C., S.-H. Kim, I.T. Telci, M.M. Aral, 2010. Designing Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Network for River Systems and Application to a Hypothetical River, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 3506-3513
  9. Healey, C., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Minimal Switching Procedure for Constrained Ranking and Selection, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 1145-1151
  10. Lee, J. J., C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2008. A Distribution-Free Tabular Cusum Chart for Correlated Data with Automated Variance Estimation, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 417–425
  11. Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2007. Recent Advances in Ranking and Selection, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 162–172
  12. Healey, C., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2007. Ranking and Selection Techniques with Overlapping Variance Estimators, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 522–529
  13. Mane, P., H. Hyung, M. Wilf, J. Brown, J. S. Park, S.-H. Kim, and J. H. Kim. 2007. RO Process Design Optimization based on Stochastic Cost Estimation Model Coupled with Process Performance Simulation Model, Proceedings of the AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
  14. Hyung, H., P. Mane, J. Brown, M. Wilf, J. S. Park, S.-H. Kim, and J. H. Kim. 2007. Boron Rejection by SWRO Membrane Process: From Lab-scale Mechanistic Study to Full-Scale Process Simulation and Cost Analysis. Proceedings of International Desalination Association World Congress
  15. Kim, S.-H. 2006. Monitoring Variability of Autocorrelated Data Using Standardized Time Series Variance
    Estimators, Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 231-237
  16. Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, and B. L. Nelson. 2005. Statistical Selection of the Best System, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 178-187
  17. Alexopoulos, C. and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Review of Advanced Methods for Simulation Output Analysis, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 188-201
  18. Batur, D. and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Finding The Set of Feasible Systems When the Number of Systems or Constraints is Large, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 692-698
  19. Andradottir, S., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Finding The Best in the Presence of a Stochastic Constraint, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 732-738
  20. Malone, G. J., S.-H. Kim, D. Goldsman, and D. Batur. 2005. Performance of Variance Updating Procedures on Various Data, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 825-832
  21. Court, M., J. Pittman, C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, M. L. Loper, and A. R. Pritcheet. 2004. A Framework for Simulating Human Cognitive
    Behavior and Movement when Predicting Impacts of Catastrophic Events. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 830-838
  22. Kim, S.-H. 2003. Comparison with a Standard via Fully Sequential Procedures, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 528-534
  23. Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2003. Selecting the Best System, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 101-112
  24. Alexopoulos, C. and S.-H. Kim. 2002. Output Data Analysis for simulations, Proceeding of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, 85-96
  25. Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, W. Marshall, and B. L. Nelson. 2000. Ranking and Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation, Proceeding of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, 544-552