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Parts of Books
- Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2005. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Chapter 17 of a volume on Simulation: Selecting the Best System, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 501-534
- Kim, S.-H. Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Statistical Ranking and Selection, NY:Springer, in press
Published or Accepted Papers (Selected)
- Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. Selection of the Best in the Presence of Subjective Stochastic Constraints, ACM TOMACS, accepted.
- Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and C. Park. 2024. Pruning Inferior Systems Using Subjective Constraints with Sequentially Added Thresholds, Sequential Analysis, accepted.
- He, J., S.-I. Hong and S.-H. Kim. Spatiotemporal Planning for Block Assembly in Shipbuilding, Journal of Scheduling, accepted.
- Gong, T., D. Liu, H. Kim, S.-H. Kim, T. Kim, D. Lee, and Y. Xie. Distribution-free Image Monitoring with Application to Battery Coating Process, IISE Transactions, accepted.
- Liu, D., H. Kim, S.-H. Kim, T. Kim, D. Lee, and Y. Xie. 2023. Distribution-Free Multivariate Time-Series Monitoring with Analytically Determined Control Limits, International Journal of Production Research, 61(2):6960-6977.
- Chen, J., M.M. Aral, S.-H. Kim, C. Park, and Y. Xie. 2023. Constrained Bayesian Optimization and Spatio-Temporal Surveillance for Sensor Network Design in the Presence of Measurement Errors, Engineering Optimization, 55(3):510-525.
- Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2022. Finding Feasible Systems for Subjective Constraints Using Recycled Observations, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(6):2867-3350.
- Han, J., S.-H. Kim, and C. Park. 2021. Improved Penalty Function with Memory for Stochastically Constrained Optimization via Simulation, ACM TOMACS, 31(4): Article No. 24.
- Dieker, A. B. and S.-H. Kim. Efficient Fully Sequential Indifference-Zone Procedures Using Properties of Multidimensional Brownian Motion Exiting a Sphere.
- Chen, J., S.-H. Kim, and Y. Xie. 2020. S3T: A Score Statistic for Sptio-Temporal Change-Point Detection, Sequential Analysis, 39(4):563-592.
- Park, Y., S. H. Baek, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2020. Modified Batch Mean Charts for Network Intrusion Detection, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice, 27(1):88-109.
- Chen, J., S.-H. Kim, C. Park, and Y. Xie. 2019. To Reduce or Not To Reduce: A Study on Spatiotemporal Surveillance, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26(3):217 – 238.
- Kim, S.-H., J.J. Park, M.M. Aral, Y. Eun, and C. Park. 2017. Impact of Sensor Measurement Errors on Sensor Positioning in Water Quality Monitoring Networks, Stochastic Environmental Research, and Risk Assessment, 31(3):743 – 756.
- Lee, M., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Robust Distribution-Free Multivariate CUSUM Charts for Spatiotemporal Biosurveillance in the Presence of Spatial Correlation, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(2):74 – 88.
- Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Minimal Switching Procedures for Constrained Ranking and Selection under Independent and Common Random Numbers, IIE Transactions, 47(11):1170 – 1184.
- Park, C., and S.-H. Kim. 2015. Penalty Function with Memory for Discrete Optimization via Simulation with Stochastic Constraints, Operations Research, 63(5):1195 – 1212.
- Wang, H., S.-H. Kim, Y. Hur, and J. R. Wilson. 2015. Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles Adaptively with a Wavelet-Based Distribution-Free CUSUM Chart, International Journal of Production Research, 53(15):4648 – 4667.
- Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2014. Selection Procedures for Simulations with Multiple Constraints
under Independent and Correlated Sampling, ACM TOMACS, 24(3): Article No. 14.
- Kim, S.-H. 2014. A Distribution-Free CUSUM Chart for Monitoring Variability of Autocorrelated Processes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 31(6):934 – 934.
- Park, C., S.-H. Kim, I.T. Telci, and M.M. Aral. 2014. Designing Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Network for River Systems Using Constrained Discrete Optimization via Simulation, Engineering Optimization, 46(1):107 – 129.
- Park, Y., S. H. Baek, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2014. Statistical Process Control Based Intrusion Detection and Monitoring, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30(2):257 – 273.
- Lee, M., D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, and K.-L. Tsui. 2013. Spatiotemporal Biosurveillance with Spatial Clusters: Control Limit Approximation and Impact of Spatial Correlation, IIE Transactions, 46(8):813 – 827.
- Wang, H and S.-H. Kim. 2013. Reducing the Conservativeness of Fully Sequential Indifference-Zone Procedures, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(6):1613 – 1619. Online Supplement
- Healey, C., S. Andradóttir, and S.-H. Kim. 2013. Efficient Comparison of Constrained Systems using Dormancy, European Journal of Operations Research, 224(2):340-352
- Lee, J. J., S.-H. Kim, Y. Lee, and J. R. Wilson. 2012. Monitoring nonlinear profiles using a wavelet-based distribution-free CUSUM chart, International Journal of Production Research, 50(20):6574 – 6594
- Park, C., P.-K. Park, P. Mane, H. Hyung, V. Gandhi, S.-H. Kim, J.-H. Kim. 2010. Stochastic Cost Estimation Approach for Full-Scale Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants, Journal of Membrane Science, 364:52-64
- Andradottir, S. and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Fully Sequential Procedures for Comparing Constrained Systems via Simulation, Naval Research Logistics, 57(5):403-421
KUHN Award Winning Paper – “the most highly cited paper (measured in citations per year) published in Naval Research Logistics during the 2010-2012 time period.”
- Batur, D, and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Finding Feasible Systems in the Presence of Constraints on Multiple Performance Measures, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 20(3): Article No. 13
- Healey, C., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2009. Ranking and Selection Techniques with Overlapping Variance Estimators, Sequential Analysis, 28(4):459-474
- Lee, J, C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2009. Monitoring Autocorrelated Processes Using a Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart with Automated Variance Estimation, IIE Transactions, 41(11):979-994
- Batur, D., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2009. An Improved Standardized Time Series Durbin-Watson Variance Estimator for Steady-State Simulation, Operations Research Letters, 37(4):285-289
- Kim, S.-H., C. Alexopoulos, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2007. A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart for Autocorrelated Data , IIE Transactions, 39:317-330
Online Supplement to “A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart for Autocorrelated Data” , 2006
One of the 10 most-cited articles published in Year 2005 – 2009 in IIE Transactions (cited by Taylor & Francis in 2010)
- Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2006. On the Asymptotic Validity of Fully Sequential Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation, Operations Research, 54:475-488
- Goldsman, D., K. Kang, S.-H. Kim, A. F. Seila, and G. Tokol. 2005. Combining Standardized Time Series Area and Cramer-von Mises Variance Estimators, Naval Research Logistics, 54:384-396
- Batur, D., and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Fully Sequential Selection Procedures with Parabolic Boundary, IIE Transactions, 38:749-764
- Kim, S.-H. and J. R. Wilson. 2005. A Discussion on ‘Detection of Intrusions in Information Systems by Sequential Change-Point Methods’ by Tartakovsky et al., Statistical Methodology, 3:315–319
- Kim, S.-H., B. L. Nelson, and J. R. Wilson. 2005. Some Almost-Sure Convergence Properties Useful in Sequential Analysis, Sequential Analysis, 24(4):411-419
- Kim, S.-H. 2005. Comparison with a Standard via Fully Sequential Procedure, ACM TOMACS, 15(2):155-174
- Boesel, J., B. L. Nelson, and S.-H. Kim. 2003. Using Ranking and Selection to “Clean Up” After Simulation Optimization, Operations Research, 51:814-825
INFORMS Simulation Society Outstanding Simulation Publication Award winning paper
- Chang, W., S.-H. Kim, and B. Vidakovic. 2003. Wavelet-Based Estimation of a Discriminant Function, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 19:185-198
- Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, W. Marshall, and B. L. Nelson. 2002. Ranking and Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation: Procedures and Perspectives, Informs Journal on Computing, 14:2-19
- Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2001. A Fully Sequential Procedure for Indifference-Zone Selection in Simulation, ACM TOMACS, 11:251-273
Submitted Papers
- Kim, T., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and Y. Zhou. Finding Feasible Systems in the Presence of a Probability Constraint, submitted.
- Wang, Y., S.-H. Kim, and E. Zhou. Selection of the Best System with an Optimized Continuous Variable, submitted.
- Park, C., S. Andradottir, S.-H. Kim, and Y. Zhou. Finding Feasible Systems for a Stochastic Constraint with Relaxed Tolerance Levels, submitted.
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings (Selected)
- Zhou, Y., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2020. Identifying the Best System in the Presence of Stochastic Constraints with Varying Thresholds, Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, 2012-2820.
- He, J., and S.-H. Kim. 2019. A New Reward Function For Bayesian Feasibility Determination, Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference.
- Wang, Y., D. Kim, S.-H. Kim and H. Lee. 2017. Designing Highway Access Control System Using Multi-Class M/G/C/C State Dependent Queueing Models and Cross-Entropy Method. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference.
- Dieker, A. T., and S.-H. Kim. 2014. A Fully Sequential Procedure for Known and Equal Variances Based on Multivariate Brownian Motion, Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 3749 – 3760
- Dieker, A. T., and S.-H. Kim. 2012. Selecting the Best by Comparing Simulated Systems in a Group of Three When Variances are Known and Unequal, Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, 1-7
- Park. C and S.-H. Kim. 2011. Handling Stochastic Constraints in Discrete Optimization via Simulation, Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, 4217-4226
- Kim, S.-H., and A. T. Dieker. 2011. Selecting the Best by Comparing Simulated Systems in a Group of Three, Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, 3992-4002
- Park, C., S.-H. Kim, I.T. Telci, M.M. Aral, 2010. Designing Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Network for River Systems and Application to a Hypothetical River, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 3506-3513
- Healey, C., S. Andradottir, and S.-H. Kim. 2010. Minimal Switching Procedure for Constrained Ranking and Selection, Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 1145-1151
- Lee, J. J., C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, K.-L. Tsui, and J. R. Wilson. 2008. A Distribution-Free Tabular Cusum Chart for Correlated Data with Automated Variance Estimation, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 417–425
- Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2007. Recent Advances in Ranking and Selection, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 162–172
- Healey, C., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2007. Ranking and Selection Techniques with Overlapping Variance Estimators, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 522–529
- Mane, P., H. Hyung, M. Wilf, J. Brown, J. S. Park, S.-H. Kim, and J. H. Kim. 2007. RO Process Design Optimization based on Stochastic Cost Estimation Model Coupled with Process Performance Simulation Model, Proceedings of the AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- Hyung, H., P. Mane, J. Brown, M. Wilf, J. S. Park, S.-H. Kim, and J. H. Kim. 2007. Boron Rejection by SWRO Membrane Process: From Lab-scale Mechanistic Study to Full-Scale Process Simulation and Cost Analysis. Proceedings of International Desalination Association World Congress
- Kim, S.-H. 2006. Monitoring Variability of Autocorrelated Data Using Standardized Time Series Variance
Estimators, Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 231-237
- Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, and B. L. Nelson. 2005. Statistical Selection of the Best System, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 178-187
- Alexopoulos, C. and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Review of Advanced Methods for Simulation Output Analysis, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 188-201
- Batur, D. and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Finding The Set of Feasible Systems When the Number of Systems or Constraints is Large, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 692-698
- Andradottir, S., D. Goldsman, and S.-H. Kim. 2005. Finding The Best in the Presence of a Stochastic Constraint, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 732-738
- Malone, G. J., S.-H. Kim, D. Goldsman, and D. Batur. 2005. Performance of Variance Updating Procedures on Various Data, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, 825-832
- Court, M., J. Pittman, C. Alexopoulos, D. Goldsman, S.-H. Kim, M. L. Loper, and A. R. Pritcheet. 2004. A Framework for Simulating Human Cognitive
Behavior and Movement when Predicting Impacts of Catastrophic Events. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 830-838
- Kim, S.-H. 2003. Comparison with a Standard via Fully Sequential Procedures, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 528-534
- Kim, S.-H. and B. L. Nelson. 2003. Selecting the Best System, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 101-112
- Alexopoulos, C. and S.-H. Kim. 2002. Output Data Analysis for simulations, Proceeding of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, 85-96
- Goldsman, D., S.-H. Kim, W. Marshall, and B. L. Nelson. 2000. Ranking and Selection Procedures for Steady-State Simulation, Proceeding of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, 544-552