* : work accomplished at Georgia Institute of Technology
Boldface: student author
_ : authorship of Shihao Yang
Published and Accepted Journal Articles
- * S. Zhu, Bukharin, L. Xie, S. Yang, P. Keskinocak, and Y. Xie, 2021. Early Detection of COVID-19 Hotspots Using Spatio-Temporal Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. SPECIAL ISSUE (2021).
- * S. Er, S. Yang^, T. Zhao^, “COUnty aggRegation mixup AuGmEntation (COURAGE) COVID-19 Prediction”, Scientific Reports. 11:14262 (2021).
^ Joint corresponding author - * S. Zhu, Bukharin, L. Xie, M. Santillana, S. Yang^, and Y. Xie^. “High-resolution spatio-temporal model for county-level COVID-19 activity in the U.S.” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems Vol. 12, No. 4 (2021).
^ Joint corresponding author - * Yang, S. W. K. Wong, and S. C. Kou, “Inference of dynamic systems from noisy and sparse data via manifold-constrained Gaussian processes”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021)
- * Yang, S. Ning, and S. C. Kou. “Use Internet Search Data to Accurately Track State-Level Influenza Epidemics” Scientific Reports (2021)
- * F. Wang, Yang, N. Palmer, K. Fox, I. S. Kohane, K. H. Yu, and S. C. Kou. “Real-World Data Analyses Unveiled the Autoimmune Effects of Immunotherapy across Cancer Types” NPJ Precision Oncology. 5, 82 (2021).
- C. Kou, S. Yang, C. Chang, T. Ho, and L. Graverand. “Unmasking the actual COVID-19 case count” Clinical Infectious Diseases (2020)
- Ning^, S. Yang^, and S. C. Kou. “Accurate regional influenza epidemics tracking using Internet search data” Scientific Reports. 9:1 (2019)
^ Equal contribution - Yang, K. H. Yu, N. Palmer, K. Fox, S. C. Kou, and I. S. Kohane, “Autoimmune effects of lung cancer immunotherapy revealed by data-driven analysis on a nationwide cohort”, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2019)
- L. Kehl, S. Yang, M. M. Awad, N. Palmer, I. S. Kohane, and D. Schrag, “Pre-existing autoimmune disease and the risk of immune-related adverse events among real-world patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors for cancer”, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy (2019).
- Yang, M. Santillana, J. S. Brownstein, J. Gray, S. Richardson, and S. C. Kou. “Using electronic health records and Internet search information for accurate influenza forecasting” BMC infectious diseases. 17:1 (2017)
- Yang, S. C. Kou, F. Lu, J. S. Brownstein, N. Brooke, and M. Santillana. “Advances in using Internet searches to track dengue” PLOS computational biology. 13:7 (2017)
- Yang, Y. Chen, E. Bernton, and J. S. Liu, “On parallelizable Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms with waste-recycling”, Statistics and Computing, 1:9 (2017)
- Obayashi, P. Protter, and S. Yang, “The lifetime of a financial bubble”, Mathematics and Financial Economics 11:1 (2017)
- Yang, M. Santillana, and S. C. Kou, “Accurate estimation of influenza epidemics using Google search data via ARGO”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112:47 (2015)
Conference Presentation with Proceedings (Refereed)
- * Yim, N. Kim, S. Yang, B. Montreuil, “Data-Driven Prediction of Demand in a Pandemic for Critical Consumables Over a Shared Distribution Network”, IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings; Norcross (2021): 788-793.
Submitted Journal Articles
- * C. Huang, Ma, S. Yang, “MAGI-X: Manifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference for Unknown System Dynamics”, AISTATS 2022. Submitted Oct 2021. Under Review.
Articles In Preparation
- * Y. Sun, Yang, “Manifold-constrained Gaussian process inference for time-varying parameters in dynamic systems”, Journal of the American Statistical Association. (to be submitted)
- * S. Ma, Yang, “COVID-19 Forecasts Using Internet Search Information in the United States”, Journal of Medical Internet Research. Submitted Jun 2021. (to be submitted)
- * P. Protter, Q. Wu, S. Yang, “Order Book Queue Hawkes-Markovian Modeling”, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. (to be submitted)