
I completed the Tech to Teaching program at Georgia Tech in Spring of 2022. In addition, I have a certification with distinction from CIRTL Network in An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.

In Fall 2024, I taught MATH 1550 and MATH 1711 in the First Year Study Abroad Oxford Program (FYSA@Oxford). Here is an Instagram post of all of the Fall 2024 students and myself at a live performance of Hamlet held in the Oxford Castle and Prison. I will be returning in Fall 2025 to teach the same two courses. Interested rising Freshman should apply here. My ability to be an instructor for the FYSA@Oxford program is due largely to the efforts of Liz Reese, Klara Grodzinsky, and Mike Wolf.

In 2024, GT flew our group to Dublin, Ireland to watch the Jackets defeat FSU in the 2024 Aer Lingus College Football Classic at Aviva Stadium. All ~50 of us held the Irish and American Flags on the field during the national anthems. We snapped a photo with Mayor Andre Dickens, who we happened to spot outside of where we were rooming at Trinity College.

I was a teaching assistant for the following courses:

  • (Spring 2024) Linear Algebra 1553, Head TA for Chris Jankowski
  • (Fall 2023) Linear Algebra 1554, TA for Salvadore Barone
  • (Summer 2023) Pre-Calculus, long term sub-instructor
  • (Summer 2022) Multivariable Calculus, TA for Santana Afton
  • (Spring 2022) Multivariable Calculus, TA for Michael Lavigne
  • (Fall 2021) Multivariable Calculus, TA for Michael Lavigne

Currently I am organizing the Directed Reading Program (DRP) at Georgia Tech.

The following are some of the projects I mentored:

  • (Spring 2024) Math Visualization and Knot Theory with Nate Wicker and Yao Xiao
  • (Fall 2023) Introduction to Riemann Surfaces with Arya Karthik
  • (Fall 2022) Introduction to Topology and Algebraic Topology with Maya Mims
  • (Spring 2022) Chaos Theory with Mark Rodriguez and Matthew Walloch
  • (Fall 2021) Math and Physics Simulations in Python with Cara Bennett
  • (Spring 2021) Introduction to Knot Theory with Ethan Botelho
  • (Fall 2020) Self-Similar Fractals, Hausdorff Dimension and Geometry with Avery Williams

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student at Tech interested in participating in the DRP, please send me an email.


  • (June 2022) Quote from a Thank-a-Teacher submission:
    • “You make learning extremely hard-to-grasp topics fun and manageable.”
  • (April 2021) School of Mathematics TA Award
  • (May 2021) Mathematics Teacher-Scholar Symposium (MaTSS) at Reed College <link>

A circle inversion fractal given from the limit set of points inverted over these (24) concentric circles. Courtesy of Cara Bennett during our DRP project in 2021.