
* indicates an advised student.

The copyrights for most of these papers are with the respective publishers. The author versions of the papers posted here are for personal use only and not for distribution.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Toward Expanded Access to Cancer Care With Cost Awareness: An Optimization Modeling Analysis of Rwanda. Abel Sapirstein, Lauren N. Steimle, D. Cristina Stefan. JCO Global Oncology 10 (2024): e2400022.
  2. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Pre-Pregnancy Conditions and Adverse Maternal Outcomes in the nuMoM2b Cohort. Meghan Meredith, Lauren N. Steimle, Marissa H. Platner, Kaitlyn K. Stanhope, Sheree L. Boulet. PLoS ONE 19(8): e0306206.
  3. The Implications of Using Maternity Care Deserts to Measure Progress in Access to Obstetric Care: A Mixed-Integer Optimization Analysis. Meghan Meredith, Lauren N. Steimle, Stephanie Radke. BMC Health Services Research 24, 682 (2024). [Visual Abstract]
  4. Outbreak response strategies to eliminate circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus: A case study of Serotype 2 in Northern Nigeria. Yuming Sun, Pinar Keskinocak, Lauren N. Steimle, Stephanie Kovacs, Steve Wassilak. Vaccine: X 18 (2024): 100476.
  5. Revisiting the Small-World Property of Co-enrollment Networks: A Network Analysis of Hybrid Course Delivery Strategies. Di Wu, Hanna Hamilton, Liam Jagrowski, Dima Nazzal, Lauren N. Steimle. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 96 (2024), 101831.
  6. Interpretable Policies and the Price of Interpretability in Hypertension Treatment Planning. Garcia, Gian-Gabriel P., Lauren N. Steimle, Wesley J. Marrero, and Jeremy B. Sussman. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26, no. 1 (2024): 80-94.
  7. Empirical networks for localized COVID-19 interventions using WiFi infrastructure at university campuses. Vedant Das Swain, Jiajia Xie*, Maanit Madan, Sonia Sargolzaei, James Cai, Munmun De Choudhury, Gregory D. Abowd, Lauren N. Steimle and B. Aditya Prakash. Frontiers in Digital Health 5 (2023): 1060828.
  8. Frequency and Correlates of Suicide Ideation and Behaviors in Treatment-Seeking Post-9/11 Veterans. Sheila A.M. Rauch, Lauren N. Steimle, Jingyu Li*, Kathryn Black, Maria Nylocks, Samantha Patton, Anna Wise, Laura Watkins, Monika Stojek, Jessica Maples-Keller, Carly Yaskinski, Barbara Rothbaum. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155 (2022):559-566
  9. Multi-criteria Course Mode Selection and Classroom Assignment Under Sudden Space Scarcity. Mehran Navabi-Shirazi*, Mohamed El Tonbari, Natashia Boland, Dima Nazzal, and Lauren N. Steimle. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2022, 24(6):3252-3268. [Visual Abstract]
    • * Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Best Cluster Paper Award (Check out our video)
  10. The Impact of Testing Capacity and Compliance with Isolation on Covid-19: A Mathematical Modeling Study. Zhuoting Yu, Pinar Keskinocak, Lauren N. Steimle, Inci Yildirim. AJPM Focus (2022), 100006.
  11. Students’ preferences for returning to colleges and universities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A discrete choice experiment. Lauren N. Steimle, Yuming Sun, Lauren Johnson, Tibor Besedeš, Patricia Mokhtarian, Dima Nazzal.  Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82PB (2022), 101266.
  12. Cost-effectiveness of pediatric norovirus vaccination in daycare settings. Lauren N. Steimle, Joshua Havumaki, Marisa C. Eisenberg, Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Lisa A. Prosser, Jamison Pike, Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, Claire P. Mattison, Aron J. Hall, Molly K. Steele, Benjamin A. Lopman, David W. Hutton. Vaccine, 39.15 (2021), p. 2140-2152
  13. Decomposition methods for solving Markov decision processes with multiple models of the parameters. Lauren N. Steimle, Vinayak S. Ahluwalia, Charmee Kamdar, Brian T. Denton. IISE Transactions 53.12 (2021): 1295-1310.
    • Best Paper, IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Operations Engineering and Analytics, 2022
  14. Multi-model Markov decision processes. Lauren N. Steimle, David L. Kaufman, and Brian T. Denton. IISE Transactions 53.10 (2021): 1124-1139.
  15. Policy-based branch-and-bound for infinite-horizon multi-model Markov decision processes. Vinayak S. Ahluwalia*, Lauren N. Steimle, Brian T. Denton. Computers and Operations Research, 126 (2021): 105108.
  16. Benefit and harm of intensive blood pressure treatment: Derivation and validation of risk models using data from the SPRINT and ACCORD trials. Sanjay Basu, Jeremy B. Sussman, Joseph Rigdon, Lauren N. Steimle, Brian T. Denton, Rodney A. Hayward. PLoS Medicine 14.10 (2017): e1002410.

Conference Proceedings

Working Papers

Book Chapters

  1. McNealey, A.K., Marrero, W.J., Steimle, L.N., Garcia, GG.P. (2023). Optimizing Interpretable Treatment and Screening Policies in Healthcare. In: Pardalos, P.M., Prokopyev, O.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Optimization. Springer, Cham.
  2. Steimle, L.N., Denton, B.T.,“Markov Decision Processes for Screening and Treatment of Chronic Diseases”. Markov Decision Processes in Practice. Ed. Boucherie, Richard, Ed. van Dijk, Nico M. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 189-222. [PDF]


Stochastic dynamic optimization under ambiguity. Lauren N. Steimle. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, 2019.  [Slides]

Abstract: Stochastic dynamic optimization methods are powerful mathematical tools for informing sequential decision-making in environments where the outcomes of decisions are uncertain. For instance, the Markov decision process (MDP) has found success in many application areas, including the evaluation and design of treatment and screening protocols for medical decision making. However, the usefulness of these models is only as good as the data used to parameterize them, and multiple competing data sources are common in many application areas. Unfortunately, the recommendations that result from the optimization process can be sensitive to the data used and thus, susceptible to the impacts of ambiguity in the choices regarding the model’s construction. To address the issue of ambiguity in MDPs, we introduce the Multi-model MDP (MMDP) which generalizes a standard MDP by allowing for multiple models of the rewards and transition probabilities. The solution of the MMDP is a policy that considers the performance with respect to the different models and allows for the decision-maker (DM) to explicitly trade-off conflicting sources of data. In this thesis, we study this problem in three parts. In the first part, we study the weighted value problem (WVP) in which the DM’s objective is to find a single policy that maximizes the weighted value of expected rewards in each model. We identify two important variants of this problem: the non-adaptive WVP in which the DM must specify the decision-making strategy before the outcome of ambiguity is observed and the adaptive WVP in which the DM is allowed to adapt to the outcomes of ambiguity. To solve these problems, we develop exact methods and fast approximation methods supported by error bounds. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness and the scalability of our approach using a case study in preventative blood pressure and cholesterol management that accounts for conflicting published cardiovascular risk models. In the second part, we leverage the special structure of the non-adaptive WVP to design exact decomposition methods for solving MMDPs with a larger number of models. We present a branch-and-cut approach to solve a mixed-integer programming formulation of the problem and a custom branch-and-bound approach. Numerical experiments show that a customized implementation of branch-and-bound significantly outperforms branch-and-cut and allows for the solution of MMDPs with larger numbers of models. In the third part, we extend the MMDP beyond the WVP to consider other objective functions that are sensitive to the ambiguity arising from the existence of multiple models. We modify the branch-and-bound procedure to solve these alternate formulations and compare the resulting policies to policies found using tractable heuristics. Using two case studies, we show that the solution to the mean value problem, wherein all parameters take on their mean values, can perform quite well with respect to several measures of performance under ambiguity. In summary, in this dissertation, we present new methods for stochastic dynamic optimization under ambiguity. We represent ambiguity through multiple plausible models of the MDP. We analyze alternative forms of the problems, develop solution methods, and identify properties of the optimal solutions that provide insight into the effects of ambiguity on optimal policies. Although we illustrate our methods on decision-making for medical treatment and machine maintenance, the methods we present in this thesis can be applied to other domains in which optimal sequential decision-making uncertainty is clouded by ambiguity.


Software and Data Sets

Open source code for COVID-19 Campus Recovery Analytics. Available on Github.

Many colleges and universities are planning to return to campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This repository is meant to share tools and code to help these planners make decisions that are more informed as they weigh trade-offs and try to manage uncertainty.

Dataset of test instances of Markov decision processes with multiple models. Available on Deep Blue.

This data repository includes test instances of infinite-horizon Markov decision processes with multiple models of parameters (i.e., “Multi-model Markov decision processes”). We generated each test instance in the dataset using a Python script. The test instances can be read in using the provided C++ and Python script.


Opinion Editorials and Magazine Articles