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Welcome to Throes of Throkam! It is a neomedieval TableTop Roleplaying Game like no other! Engage in adventures, combat, and exploring, while having to navigate the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and influences that make up the politics of the kingdom.
This world is designed to bring awareness to our players about the power and corruption in politics. A growing number of voters align purely with one party, voting in every election along party lines instead of for their values. We want to build politically active citizens that know about the dangers of political partisanship, and are willing to split with their own party in order to not sacrifice their ideals.
Image Citations:
“Medieval Epic - Adventure Action Heroic Powerful Opener Intro.” Taras, Dmitry.
“Oretown.” Miller, Jaiden. Inkarnate.
“Throes of Throkam Teaser.” Barara, Sarvasv. DeepAI Fantasy World Generator API.
“Throkam.” Barara, Sarvasv. DeepAI Fantasy World Generator API.