Tong’s group tackles challenges in the interdisciplinary areas of sustainable materials and catalytical conversion. We target innovative technologies (self-assembly, catalysis, and machine learning) for producing chemicals, materials, and fuels from renewable resources for a beneficial circular economy.

Tong group focuses on the utilization of waste and bio-derived materials, such as lignin, chitosan, cellulose, plastic, food/agricultural waste, etc.
Tong group’s core research spans four main research areas, including the production of biomass-derived aromatic chemicals and aviation fuels, designing self-assembly of biomolecules for smart and controlled-release materials, waste-treat-waste for environmental mitigation, and artificial intelligence (AI)-based biorefinery process control and catalyst design.

The innovation in catalyst, material and AI enables a variety of applications for a safer, cleaner food-water-energy nexus.

Lab News

Abby takes first place poster prize
Oct 2024 | GA
Congratulations! Abby won first place at the Frontiers in Biorefining (FIB) 7th International Conference for her poster “Machine learning-aided real-time volatile organic compounds detection through robust colorimetric sensor arrays.”

Congratulations to Akanksha and Xintong
Jan 2024 | Atlanta, GA
Akanksha and Xintong passed the qualifying exam. Congrats!

Welcome new members joining Tong Lab
Apr 2023 | Atlanta, GA
Welcome to the new PhD student Xintong!

Publication of book chapter in Advances in Bioenergy
Mar 2023 | Atlanta, GA
The book chapter Functional Naturally derived Materials to Improve the Environment: Chemical Structures, Modifications, Applications, and Future Perspectives is published in the latest volume in Advances in Bioenergy.

Geng-Sheng and Wenbo received AICHE divisional travel awards
Nov 2022 | Pheonix, AZ
Congratulations! Geng-Sheng and Wenbo received Forestry and Plant Bioproducts Division Travel Awards at 2022 AICHE annual meeting.