- “Internal determinants or external drivers? The case of U.S. water reuse policy adoption,” Banboukian A., Thomas V. M., Brown M., Reeves D. C., Husbands Fealing, K. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling 215, 108072, 2025. Free through January 2025: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1kFee3HVLKwJZT
- “Incorporating biodiversity impacts in land use optimization models,”Azuero-Pedraza, C., Thomas, V. M. Ecological Modeling 497, 110852, 2024.
- “Integrating Direct Air Capture with Algal Biofuel Production to Reduce Cost, Energy, and GHG Emissions,” D’Souza, S., Johnston J., Thomas, V. M., Harris K., Tan E. C. D., Chance R. R., Yuan Y. J. CO2 Utilization 86, 102911, 2024.
- “Water consumption from absorption chillers is not negligible: water-for-cooling consumption of chiller systems for commercial buildings in the United States.” Broesicke, O.A., Thomas, V. M., Grubert, E., Crittenden, J. C. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 67, 103827, 2024.
- “Managing forests for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation,” Azuero-Pedraza, C., Larui, P., A. Lessa Derci Augustynczik, Thomas, V. M. Envir. Sci. Technol. 58, 21, 9175–9186, 2024.
- “Chance-constrained multi-stage stochastic energy system expansion planning with demand satisfaction flexibility,” Chen, Y., Basciftci, B., Thomas, V. M. Int’l J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 155, Part A, Jan 2024, 109499.
- “The relationship between energy intensity and GDP per capita in Eastern African countries (EAC): Evidence from co-integration and Granger-causality investigation analysis,” Sekanabo D., Hakizimana J., Nyandwi E., Thomas, V. M. . Proceedings of the 4th African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Nsukka, Nigeria, April 5-7, 2022.
- “Relation of Blood Lead Levels and Lead from Gasoline: An Updated Systematic Review,” Angrand, R.C., Collins, G. Landrigan, P.J., Thomas, V.M. Environmental Health 21: 138, 2022.
- “The relationship between GDP and biomass energy per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Sekanabo, D.; Nyandwi, E.; Hakizimana J.K.; Thomas, V. M. International J. Energy Economics and Policy, 12 (4): 528-541, 2022.
- “Incorporating New Technologies in EEIO Models,” Azuero-Pedraza, C.G., Thomas, V.M., Ingwersen, W.W. Appl. Sci. 12(14), 7016, 2022.
- “Cultural norms to support gender equity in energy development: Grounding the productive use agenda in Rwanda,” Muza, O., Thomas, V. M. Energy Research and Social Science 89, 102543, 2022.
- “The statistical relationship between economic growth and total energy use: Evidence from panel co-integration and Granger-causality investigation of SSA countries,” Sekanabo, D; Nyandwi, E.; Hakizimana J.K.; Thomas, V. M. International J. Energy Economics and Policy, 12 (3): 151–160, 2022.
“Recovery Potential of Critical Minerals and Metals from Aqueous Sources,” Can Şener, S.; Thomas, V. M.; Hogan, D.; Maier, R.; Carbajales-Dale, M.; Barton, M.; Karanfil, T.; Crittenden, J.; Amy, G. . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (35): 11616–11634, 2021.
- “Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants Have Lower Environmental Impact than Conventional Combined Heat and Power for Commercial Buildings,” Broesicke, O.; Yan, J.; Thomas, V.; Grubert, E. A.; Derrible, S.; Crittenden, J. Envir. Sci. Technol. 55 (15): 10645–10653, 2021.
- “The Impact of Development Priorities on Power System Expansion Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Musselman, A., Thomas, V. M., Nazzal, D., Papageorgiou, D. J., Venkatesh, A., Mallapragada, D. S. Energy Systems 3: 461–492, 2022.
- “The Mining and Technology Industries as Catalysts for Sustainable Energy Development,” Imasiku, K. and Thomas, V. M. Sustainability 24 (12), 2020.
- “Recent Advancements of Plant-based Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites and Their Applications,” Ragauskas, A. J., Li, M. Pu, Y., Thomas, V. M., Yoo, C. G., Ozcan S., Deng, Y., Nelson K. Composites Part B 200 (1): 108254, 2020.
- “Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for an Ethanol Production Process Based on Genetically Modified Cyanobacteria: CO2 Sourcing Options,” Arora P.; Chance R.; Fishbeck, T.; Hendrix H; Realff M; Thomas, V. M.; Yuan, Y. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Bioprocesses, published online July 21, 2020.
- “Similarities in Recalcitrant Structures of Industrial Non-kraft and Kraft Lignin,” Tricker A.W.; Stellato M. J.; Kwok T. T.; Kruyer N. S.; Wang Z.; Nair S.; Thomas V. M.; Realff M. J.; Bommarius A. S.; Sievers S. ChemSusChem 13: 4624-4632, 2020.
- “Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Different CO2 Supply Options for an Algal Biorefinery,” Arora P.; Chance R.; Hendrix H; Realff M; Thomas, V. M.; Yuan, Y. J. CO2 Utilization 40: 101213-101223, 2020.
- “A Framework for the Resilience Analysis of Electric Infrastructure Systems Including Temporary Generation Systems,” Toroghi, S. S. H., Thomas, V. M. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 202: 107013-107028, 2020.
- “Unpacking Ecological Stress from Economic Activities for Sustainability and Resource Optimization in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Imasiku, K., Thomas, V. M., Ntagwirumugara, E. Sustainability 12(9): 3538-3549, 2020.
- “Why have voluntary time-of-use tariffs fallen short in the residential sector?” Choi, D.-G., Lim, M. K., Murali, K., Thomas, V. M. Production and Operations Management 29 (3): 617-624, 2020.
- “Sustainable Urban Infrastructure.” Thomas, V. M., Kurtis K., Santiago I., Chang M., Crittenden J., Davidson C., Lepech M., Velez-Reyes M., Broesicke O., Lolli F., Johnston J. Report of a Workshop Sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation, August 15-16, 2019.
- “Life cycle analysis of alternative fibers for paper.” Favero, A., Luettgen, C. O., Thomas, V. M. J. Advanced Manufacturing and Processing 1 (3):1-10, 2019.
- “Unravelling Green Information Technology Systems as a Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Game-Changer.” Imasiku, K., Thomas V., Ntagwirumugara, E. Administrative Sciences 9 (2):43, 2019.
- “The Economic and Environmental Performance of Biomass Power as an Intermediate Resource for Power Production.” Brown, M.A., A. Favero, V.M. Thomas, and A. Banboukian. Utilities Policy 58: 52-62, 2019.
- “Optimizing Wind Farm Siting to Reduce Power System Impacts of Wind Variability.” Musselman, A., Thomas V. M., Boland, N., Nazzal, D. Wind Energy 22 (7): 894-907, 2019.
- “Social enterprise factory location and allocation model: Small scale manufacturing for East Africa.” Moellmann, J., Thomas V. M. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 68: 100694-704, 2019.
- “Data for: Social enterprise factory location and allocation model: Small scale manufacturing for East Africa.” Thomas V. M., Moellmann, J. Mendeley Data, v1, 2019.
- “Infrastructure Ecology: An Evolving Paradigm for Sustainable Urban Development.” Pandit, A., B. Bras, E. A. Minne, E. Dunham-Jones, G. Augenbroe, H. Jeong, J.-A. C. James, J. P. Newell, M. Weissburg, M. A. Brown, M. E. Chang, M. Xu, M. M. Begovic, P. Yang, R. M. Fujimoto, S. P. French, V. M. Thomas, X. Yu, Y. Chen, Z. Lu, J. C. J. Cleaner Production 163: S19-S27, 2017.
- “Parametric Modeling Approach for Economic and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Medium-Duty Trucks.” Lee, D.-Y., and Thomas, V. M. J. Cleaner Production 142 (4): 3300-3321, 2017.
- “Water, air emissions, and cost impacts of air-cooled microturbines for combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems: A case study of in the Atlanta region.” James, J.-A., Thomas, V. M., Pandit, A., Crittenden, J. Engineering 2: 470-480, 2016.
- “Can developing countries leapfrog the centralized electrification paradigm?” Levin, T., Thomas, V. M. Energy for Sustainable Development 31: 97-107, 2016.
- “Carbon emission permit price volatility reduction through financial options,” Li, X., Deng, S.-J., Thomas, V. M. Energy Economics 53: 248-260, 2016.
- “New Approach for Optimal Electricity Planning and Dispatching with Hourly Time-Scale Air Quality and Health Considerations,” Kerl, P., Zhang, W., Moreno-Cruz, J., Nenes, A., Realff, M. Russell, A., Sokol, J., Thomas, V. M. PNAS 112(35): 10884-10889, 2015.
- “Industrial Ecology: Quantitative Methods for Exploring a Lower Carbon Future.” Thomas, V. M. Physics of Sustainable Energy III Rob Knapp, editor. AIP Press, 2015. AIP Conf. Proc. 16521652, 90, 2015.
- “The Water Efficiency Gap,” C. Golin, M. Cox, M. Brown, V. Thomas Sustainable Water Resources Management 1(4): 315-324, 2015.
- “Adaptive Stochastic Integrated Assessment Modeling of Optimal Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions,” Shayegh, S., Thomas, V. M. Climatic Change, 128(1/2): 1-15, 2015.
- “Anthropogenic CO2 as a Feedstock for the Production of Algal-based Biofuels,” Lively, R. P., Sharma, P., Luo, D., McCool, B. A., Beaudry-Losique, J., Thomas, V. M., Realff, M., Chance, R. R. Biofuels Bioproduct Biorefineries 9(1): 72-81, 2015.
- “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Atlanta,” Thomas, V. M., Mlade, J., Borin, S, Tindall N., Okwo A., Dhamodharan, A., 2014.
- “Bioreactor-based Fuel Systems I: Optimal production capacity considering start-up dynamics,” Luo, D., Realff, M. J., Thomas, V. M. Computers and Chemical Engineering 71: 141-153, 2014.
- “Utility-maximizing financial contracts for distributed rural electrification,” Levin, T., Thomas, V. M. Energy 69: 613-621, 2014.
- “Modeling the Impact of Stochastic Outages for Electricity Infrastructure Development,” Levin, T., Thomas, V. M. Energy Systems 5(3): 519-550, 2014.
- “Biomass Feedstock Contracts: Role of Land Quality and Yield Variability in Near Term Feasibility,” Okwo, A., Thomas, V. M. Energy Economics 42 (March): 67-80, 2014.
- “Coordinated EV Adoption: Double-digit reductions in emissions and fuel use for $40/vehicle-year,” Choi, D. G., Kreikebaum, F., Thomas, V. M., Divan, D. Environmental Science and Technology 47(18): 10703-07, 2013.
- “Assessment of alternative fibers for pulp production,” Thomas, V. M. and Liu, W. SSRN, 2013.
- “Electric Urban Delivery Trucks: Energy Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Cost Effectiveness,” Lee, D. Y., Thomas, V. M., Brown, M. A. Environmental Science and Technology 47(14): 8022-30, 2013.
- “LCA of bagasse electricity cogeneration in the South African sugar industry,” Mashoko, L., Mbohwa, C., Thomas, V. M. Journal of Cleaner Production 39: 42-49, 2013.
- “A Mixed Integer Optimization Model for Electricity Infrastructure Development,” Levin, T. and Thomas, V. M. Energy Systems, 4(1): 79-98, 2013.
- “Is Leasing Greener than Selling?,” Agrawal, V., M. Ferguson, L. B. Toktay, and V. M. Thomas. Management Science 58(3): 523-533, 2012.
- “An Electricity Generation Planning Model Incorporating Demand Response,” Choi, D.-G. and V. M. Thomas. Energy Policy 42: 429-441, 2012.
- “Least-Cost Network Evaluation of Centralized and Decentralized Contributions to Global Electrification,” Levin, T. and V. M. Thomas. Energy Policy, 41: 286-302, 2012.
- “Environmental Issues and Management Strategies for Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment.,” Hldy, G. M., Alcorn, W., Clarke, R., Smith, D., Thomas, V. J. Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 61(10): 990-995, 2011.
- “Statistical Evaluation of the Effect of Ethanol in US Corn Production: A Flexible Test for Independence on a Constrained Sum,” Abayomi, K., Luo, D. and Thomas, V. M. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 22 (S11): 105-126, 2011.
- “Cars are Buildings: The Building-like Energy Use of Automobiles,” Thomas, V. M., Meier, A. K., Gunda, S. G., and Wenzel, T. P. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16 (4): 341-345, 2011.
- “State-scale Evaluation of Renewable Electricity Policy: The Role of Renewable Electricity Credits and Carbon Taxes,” Levin, T., Thomas, V. M., and Lee, A. J., Energy Policy 39(2): 950-960, 2011.
- “The Environmental Potential of Reuse: An Application to Used Books,” V. M. Thomas, Sustainability Science, 6(1): 109-118, 2011.
- “Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Advanced Jet Propulsion Fuels: Fischer-Tropsch Based SPK-1 Case Study,” NETL, US Air Force., September 2011.
- “Lifecycle Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for an Ethanol Production Process Based on Blue-green Algae,” Luo, D., Z. Hu, D. G. Choi, V. M. Thomas, M. J. Realff, R. R. Chance, Environmental Science and Technology 44(22): 8670-8677, 2010.
- “LCA of the South African Sugar Industry,” Mashoko, L., C. Mbohwa, V. M. Thomas, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 53(6): 793-807, 2010.
- “Gigaton Problems Need Gigaton Solutions,” Xu, M., J.C. Crittendon, Y. Chen, V. M. Thomas, D.S. Noonan, R. DesRoches, M.A. Brown, Environmental Science and Technology 44(11): 4037-4041, 2010.
- “Relation ofBiofuel to Bioelectricity and Agriculture: Food Security, FuelSecurity, and Reducing Greenhouse Emissions,” V. M. Thomas, D.Choi, D. Luo, A. Okwo, J. H. Wang, ChemicalEngineering Research and Design, 87, 1140-1146, 2009.
- “AUniversal Code for Environmental Management of Products,” V. M.Thomas. Resources, Conservation andRecycling 53: 400-408,2009.
- “Framework and Guidance for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Aviation Fuels,” NETL, U. S. Air Force, April 2009.
- “Radio-Frequency Identification: Environmental Applications,” V. Thomas, Foresight in Governance Project. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2008.
- “Relationof Chlorine, Copper, and Sulfur to Dioxin EmissionFactors,” V. M. Thomas and C. M. McCreight. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 151, 164-170, 2008.
- “SystematicApproach to Evaluating Tradeoffs among Fuel Options:The Lessons of MTBE,” J. Michael Davis and Valerie M. Thomas. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1076:498-515 (2006).
- “TowardIntelligent Recycling: A Proposal to Link Bar Codes toRecyclingInformation,” S. Saar and V. M. Thomas. Resources, Conservation, andRecycling 41(1):15-21,2004.
- “ProductSelf-Management: Evolution in Recycling and Reuse,” V.M. Thomas. EnvironmentalScience and Technology 37 (23) 5297-5302, 2003.
- “ResearchIssues in Sustainable Consumption: Toward an Analytical Framework for Materials and the Environment,” V. M. Thomas and T.E.Graedel. Environmental Science andTechnology 37 (23)5383-5388, 2003.
- “Demand and Dematerialization Impacts of Second-Hand Markets:Reuseor More Use?” V. M. Thomas. Journal of Industrial Ecology 7(2),65-78, 2003.
- “Theoretical Calculation of Product Contents: Battery and Cathode-RayTube Examples.” Environmental Science and Technology 37,2016-2019, 2003.
- “Industrial Ecology: Policy Potential and Research Needs.” V.Thomas,T. Theis, R. Lifset, D. Grasso, B. Kim, C. Koshland, and R. Pfahl. EnvironmentalEngineering Science 20(1):1-9, 2003 (pdf).
- “No Evidence of Dioxin Cancer Threshold,” D. Mackie, J. Liu,Y.-S. Loh,and V. Thomas. Environmental Health Perspectives,111 (9):1145-1147,2003) (pdf).
- “Toward Trash That Thinks: Product Tags for Environmental Management,” S. Saarand V. Thomas. Journal of IndustrialEcology, 6(2):133-146,2003.
- “Ethanolas a Lead Replacement: Phasing Out Leaded Gasoline in Africa,” V.M.Thomas and A. Kwong, EnergyPolicy 29:1133-1143, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0301-4215(01)00041-6
- “Assessing Mercury Vapor Exposure from Cultural and Religious Practices” D. M. Riley, C. A. Newby, and V. M. Thomas. Environmental HealthPerspectives109(8):779-784,2001.
- “Soviet and Post-Soviet Environmental Management: Lessons from a Case Study of LeadPollution” V. M. Thomas and A. O. Orlova. Ambio 30(2):104-111,2001. Russian language version also available.
- “Effects of Reducing Lead in Gasoline: An Analysis of theInternational Experience,” V. M. Thomas, R. H. Socolow, J. J. Fanelli, andT.G.Spiro. Environ. Science andTechnol., 33(22):3942-3947,1999. See also comments from others, and our response, published in Environ. Science and Technol. 34(19):4253-4254,2000.
- Andrews, C., D. Rejeski, R. Socolow, V. Thomas, Linking Industrial Ecology to Public Policy, PU/CEES Report No. 310, 1998.
- “Dioxin and Related Compounds,” E. K. Silbergeld and V. M.Thomas, pp.1185-1198 in Environmental and Occupational Medicine, W. Rom, ed., 3rded., Lippincott-Raven, 1998 (pdf).
- “Dioxin Emissions Inventories,” V. Thomas and T. Spiro, pp. 1359- 1365in Encyclopedia of EnvironmentalAnalysis and Remediation, R. A.Meyers,ed. Wiley Publishers, 1998.
- “Bromine Emissions from Leaded Gasoline,” V. M. Thomas, J. A. Bedford and R. J. Cicerone. Geophysical ResearchLetters24(11):1371-1374, 1997.
- “The Industrial Ecology of Lead and ElectricVehicles,” R. H. Socolow and V. M. Thomas. Journal of Industrial Ecology1(1):13-36,1997. Re-published in Managing a Material World: Perspectives inIndustrialEcology. P. Vellinga, F. Berkhout, J. Gupta, eds., Kluwer Academic,Dordrecht,1998. Also republished in The Future of the Electric Vehicle, H. A.Kukcuk,ed., Informationen zur Elekrizitat, Frankfurt, 1997, pp. 230 – 241. http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/jiec.1997.1.1.13
- “The US Dioxin Inventory: Are There Missing Sources?” V. M.Thomas andT.G. Spiro. Environ. Sci. Technol.30(2):82A-85A, 1996 (pdf).
- “Pilot Study of Sources of Lead Exposure in Moscow Russia,” A.O. Orlova,D. I. Bannon, M. R. Farfel, V. M. Thomas, L. V. Aleschukin, V. V.Kudashov,J. P. Shine, G. I. Kruchkov. EnvironmentalGeochemistry and Health17:200-210,1995.
- “The Elimination of Lead in Gasoline.” V. M. Thomas, AnnualReview ofEnergy and the Environment 20:301-324,1995 (pdf).
- “An Estimation of Dioxin Emissions in the United States,” V. M.Thomasand T.G. Spiro. Toxicological andEnvironmental Chemistry 50(1/2):1-37,1995 (pdf).
- Industrial Ecologyand Global Change, R. Socolow, C. Andrews, F. Berkhout and V.Thomas,eds. Cambridge University Press, 1994. Co-author of thefollowingchapters:
“Emissions and Exposure to Metals: Cadmium and Lead,” V. Thomasand T. Spiro.
“The Industrial Ecology Agenda,” C. Andrews, F. Berkhout andV. Thomas.
“Soil as a Vulnerable Environmental System,” J. Schnoor and V.Thomas.
“Industrial Ecology in the Manufacturing of Consumer Products,”W. France and
V. Thomas.