Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

A building’s Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) can influence not only a building’s energy consumption but also occupants’ health, satisfaction, and productivity. IEQ can be assessed by objective and subjective measures of physical factors, such as air quality, lighting, thermal, and acoustic conditions.

Data collection is conducted through mixed methods, including surveys, observation, and objective environmental assessments. The mixed-methods assess users’ environmental perception and satisfaction, types of activities, types of uses, lighting, noise, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide level in spaces with different furniture configurations.


  • Yang, E., Hong, S., & Kim, Y. (2021). The environment of open-plan workspaces: space utilization, user satisfaction, and environmental measures. Journal of Facility Management Education and Research, 5(2), 86-98.
  • Kim, Y., Hong, S., & Yang, E. (2021). Perceived productivity in open-plan design library: Exploring students’ behaviors and perceptions. Journal of Learning Spaces, 10(3), 28-42.